Saturday, September 25

Using Accounting Software Does Not Require an Accounting Background

A number of growing companies are hesitant to purchase and implement new accounting software because they are afraid that they will need to learn a whole new set of skills to effectively use the software.  They often feel that their understanding of accounting principles will not be enough to allow them to use the software properly. 

Thankfully, this assumption is not entirely correct.  It is certainly helpful to understand accounting principles when using the software, but it is not necessary.  Any business, small or large, can benefit from implementing a dedication accounting software system, regardless of the users' understanding of accounting principles.

Granted, an accountant will have a much more thorough understanding of what the software is doing and the reports that it creates, but the actual use and input of data requires no specialized accounting background.

Most accounting software will do the "nitty gritty" work that you would need special accounting training in anyway, so it is safe to say that accounting knowledge is not necessary to begin using accounting software.  That is not to say that a company should blindly begin using a new financial software package - of course they should make an effort to understand the principles to allow themselves to get the most from their software.

For example, if you operate a retail company, the average user of your accounting software will need to know the following:

How to input an invoice

How to make changes to an invoice once it is paid

How to print and/or email receipts, invoices, etc. 

None of these tasks require a background in accounting.  Any person with a general idea of how to use software can probably figure these things out and can most certainly be trained.  While people with accounting backgrounds will be able to see these changes reflected on the general ledger and know what they mean, the bottom line is that for the end user in this case that information is neither necessary nor relevant for their job. 

Anyone who has experience using or has even seen the interface of a typical accounting software package will quickly realize that minimal accounting knowledge is required to use the system.  In fact, that is the beauty of these programs - their user-friendliness.  Just like you do not necessarily need to understand how an engine works to drive a car, so too do you not necessarily need to know how accounting software works to make it useful.

Accounting software reviews often focus more on the usability and efficiency of a software package than the specific accounting tasks that the software performs.  This is because most users do not understand the advanced accounting tasks that the software does automatically and the truth is that they do not need to, so long as they put the data in properly. 

The bottom line is that most accounting software is designed exactly for people who have minimal accounting knowledge as they are the ones that benefit the most from it.

In fact, software that was designed only for accounting professionals would have a hard time staying on the market.  As a result, more and more software is brought to market with a target market of the "average user" that is simple, yet effective. 

However, do not get caught thinking that since you have good software that is easy to use that you should avoid learning about accounting.  The more you know, the better use you will be able to make of your software.  The key is to balance your time and effort between learning about accounting and thus being able to use the software more effectively while remaining focused on the activities that you have more time to work on as a result of the improved efficiency that the software gives you.

You don't need to be a professional race car driver to be on the highway, but it would certainly make you a more efficient driver.  In the same manner, you don't need special accounting knowledge to use accounting software, it simply makes your job easier. 

David Kraft is a freelance author with many areas of specialization. He offers advice for selecting new accounting software for businesses of all sizes at his accounting software review site.

READ MORE - Using Accounting Software Does Not Require an Accounting Background

What is Accounting? Learn Basic Accounting Principles

If you ever wanted to know what is accounting then this is your change to learn? Who is in charge of setting basic accounting standards that we all follow? Is there some type of regulatory system is place to investigate and arrest people for accounting fraud? Well guess what, there is, at least to a certain degree any way. So hear is a quick accounting principles education that can explain everything.

First, just what is accounting anyway? Well in simple terms accounting is the comprehensive system of gathering and recording financial information of a business for the purpose of preparing summaries for tax authorizing, investors, managers and other who make decisions within the companies or organizations that they are involved in. The accounting terminology or terms can get tricky at times and you may need to keep handy an accounting glossary that explains the terms in plain language if you are a beginner. To keep people from ethics frauds in accounting the United States top experts created the Financial Accounting Standards Board or (FASB) for short. This was established in 1973 and it replaced the Accounting Principles Board(APB). The job of the (FASB) is to analyze and review problems in the field that is brought to them. After much deliberation they will make an assessment of what type of action that will be taken when an accounting issue occurs.

This was mainly voluntary and it had very good success. Double-entry accounting was founded in Italy in the 1400's and the accounting formula has change since then. The reason why the basic accounting concepts worked or well was that the business community would not be able to function properly if there were no consistency in the reporting of finances.The FASB has its' own private financing and is not government organized. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) are a big supporter of the FASB and many of our Certified Public Accountants(CPAs) are members of this prestigious organization. Accounting careers are shaped on you being a member. They are bound by the guidelines and principles that they offer as other countries also have similar boards that require a high level of accounting conduct.

The FASB created the basic accounting concepts code known as General Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP). The idea behind this is if everyone uses the same business financial statement prepared according to GAAP, then who ever uses the information can trust or rely on the information more steadily than if prepare differently. Any business that prepare their statements without using the GAAP standards, like a lot of small businesses do, cannot say that their statements are created under GAAP guidelines and they should let the user know they are not and let the buyer beware.

To keep a watch out on everything the government relies on the Securities Exchange Commission(SEC) to sort of police the accounting world. They mostly focus on public companies because they are responsible for protecting investors from fraudulent misrepresentation. The SEC has established it own set of accounting standards and with the economy the way it is today they really have their hands full with this.

Accountants are now more involved with preparing income tax returns and they use their business financial statements. The Internal Revenue Service(IRS) may review those financial records when they perform an audit and not following the rules can get you in to big trouble risking fines and penalties.

As you can see the principles and standards in many ways are a combination of voluntary and regulatory guidelines. There is a push to create an international accounting standards board or (IASB) due to the growing globalization process. This will be a huge undertaking that will surely take years to build. Now that the stock markets around the world are in trouble it is obviously needed.

The author is a website creator how gives advice and reviews products for niche website creating and home business start up and more. If you like the information shown then you can read more on this subject and other by clicking Research Articles. You can also check out our product reviews by clicking:

READ MORE - What is Accounting? Learn Basic Accounting Principles

42 What is price/earnings ratio

The price/earning (P/E) ratio is another measurement that's of particular interest to investors in public businesses. The P/E ratio gives you an idea of how much you're paying in the current price for stock shares for each dollar of earning. Earnings prop up the market value of stock shares, not the book value of the stock shares that's reported in the balance sheet.

The P/E ratio is a reality check on just how high the current market price is in relation to the underlying profit that the business is earning. Extraordinarily high P/E ratios are justified only when investors think that the company's earnings per share (EPS) has a lot of upside potential in the future.

The P/E ratio is calculated dividing the current market price of the stock by the most recent trailing 12 months diluted EPS. Stock share prices bounce around day to day and are subject to big changes on short notice. The current P/E ratio should be compared with the average stock market P/E to gauge whether the business selling above or below the market average.

P/E ratios are currently running high, despite a four-year slump in the stock market. P/E ratios vary from industry to industry and from year to year. One dollar of EPS may command only a $10 market value for a mature business in a no-growth industry, while a dollar of EPS in a dynamic business in a growth industry may have a $30 market value per dollar of earnings, or net income.

To sum up, the price/earnings ratio, or P/E ratio is the current market price of a capital stock divided by its trailing 12 months' diluted earnings per share (EPS) or its basic earnings per share if the business does not report diluted EPS. A low P/E may signal an underbalued stock or a pessimistic forecast by investors. A high P/E may reveal an overvalued stock or might be based on an optimistic forecast by investors.

READ MORE - 42 What is price/earnings ratio

Working Of Savings Account Online And Offline

A base saving account is usually opened when a person joins any credit union. Savings account, an individual's association account, is meant for saving the deposits of people and is acknowledged as very liquefy investment, which generally accrues around an annual interest less than one percent. The fact is that you would be less liable spending it, and putting the money in your saving accounts is much safer since it is covered. Consequently, it is inexpensive, convenient and secure method for saving your money as savings account is a greater place in order to start your savings. Savings account concerning education is an educational savings plan that is set up as well as managed by guardian or parent to benefit a minor. One of the finest methods for starting a personal program concerning financial management for future is to acquire personal account for the purpose of saving your money.

The next job that should be performed by you while choosing an account for savings is to make a decision that how much right to use you require for you money. Savings accounts are intended deposit accounts used for funds. Every single person acquires equal interest at high rates on their savings account despite how much amount a person is able to save. The interest on savings account are compounded monthly, accrued daily as well as credited into the accessible balance at every months end.

Interest is generally calculated daily as well as paid monthly scheduled on stepped basis for your account. The rate of interest is tiered, hence more you will save, more you will be able to earn and these savings accounts pay attractive interest rates that are often seem superior to be factual. The most safest and easy method for saving money are by means of bank savings accounts. Whenever, you try to overdraw the checking account, bank transfer the funds from the savings account in order to check the status of an individual's account. Another, most important loom towards investment is firstly to deposit all the income and then offer for expenses.

Internet savings account is another option available for an individual in order to carry out the transactions quickly. Internet savings account avails you with extensive resources that would in turn help an individual finding the appropriate internet savings bank account. The well-researched resources would also help a person in obtaining liberated information from a variety of local financing institutions and this information also benefits starting opening up a bank internet account. Bank internet account would help in improving the chances to get access to the loans easily.

If you own finest internet savings account then you may have a higher chance for approving loans including personal loan, student loan or automobile loan as most of the financial institutions would like to work for their present clients only. Obtaining an internet banking account, it is also possible for improving chances to obtain financing anywhere. If an individual will have bank account on internet or may be checking account then the amount of those financial records would be taken further for consideration.

Author by : Yut Chan


Global resource for accounting What you can find on the website is the information, news and updates about accounting. What you have to know on account perspective, update daily and accounting-related articles from over the world.

READ MORE - Working Of Savings Account Online And Offline

Friday, September 24

Why Accounting in MBA is a Coveted Specialization Program

Accounting MBA is a popular as well as profitable management label career in the present corporate world. These days, increasing number of students are opting for a career in accounting and people, already in this stream, are looking forward to develop their skills by enrolling into different professional courses. In such a scenario, accounting MBA is the perfect choice for people who want to create their own identity in this sector. In fact, it is the ideal way to build a successful career in accounting administration. The accounting MBA program also has many other related career fields such as financial management, accounting, accounting administration, etc.

Different Branches of Accounting MBA and their Functions in Business Organizations:-

Accounting is related to the service activities of an organization that are principally related to finance and economic entities. The function of accounting executives is to provide useful information that is crucial for making financial decision and making reasoned decisions from diverse courses of actions. Different branches of accounting have different purposes in the business organizations. For instance, financial accounting is one branch of accounting that is primarily related to process financial information on how businesses are recorded, summarized, classified, interpreted and communicated. Management accounting, basically, deals with the information used within an organization that is accessible only to the authorities. Tax accounting is the field related to accounting management of an organization that complies with the authorities of tax regulations.

Scope of Accounting MBA:-

The huge demand of skilled and trained professionals in the field of accounting make the program a popular career options for many job aspirants. The program can create many opportunities for people who are in the field and want to grow with their skills. Individuals with professional qualification in accounting MBA have various opportunities for working as managers. Accounting managers are high in demand in every organization and in every industry. A degree in accounting MBA can widen your scope to bag better jobs with hefty salaries even in recession period. The designations of an executive with accounting MBA degree may vary anything from accounting manager, corporate controller, chief financial officer, cash manager to management consultants.

How Can Accounting MBA Programs Help you?

Accounting managers in the corporate sectors are responsible for tax reporting and management, and developing income statements. The professional accountants in the public accounting companies perform the job of independent audit or tax consultants. An accounting MBA program offers you the exact coursework required to manage the accounting needs of an organization. The MBA colleges in India provide strategically developed programs that cater to the need of business organizations in different industries. The programs in the B-schools include learning financial assessment and reporting, planning, implementation, tax management and risk management. Completion of accounting MBA program helps you develop detailed and practical learning about the business organization.

These days, recruiters are in dire need of managers who are dynamic and comfortable with working in areas such as marketing, finance and management. A career in accounting MBA can give you extensive opportunities to meet the demands of the recruiters.

Visit for further details.

The author is a lecturer of business management; working in India with a business school. He writes frequently in business magazines to help students of management; he also has several years of industry experience behind him. Check Accounting MBA for more information.

READ MORE - Why Accounting in MBA is a Coveted Specialization Program

The Importance Of Differences Between Taxation And Accounting Rules

Enterprises in Albania must follow financial accounting and reporting rules aimed at providing investors with a true and fair view of the financial situation of the enterprise. These rules increase transparency and international comparability of the results of an enterprise or a group, and are a strong step into the foreigner market. International Accounting Standards (IAS) and National Accounting Standards (NAS) are widely used by Multinational Enterprises (MNEs).

Financial accounting and reporting rules are quickly shifting away from traditional legal concepts applied in commercial and fiscal laws. They are increasingly based on a fair presentation approach. The results shown for financial purposes may differ considerably from the profits shown in the books of single enterprises or in the tax returns. MNEs therefore risk being confronted with unwarranted requests for tax profits adjustments or with the requirement that profits shown for financial purposes in a given country be taxable in that country.

The national and international business community is of the view that it is important for tax authorities and policy makers to understand the reasons why the results shown in financial statements of an enterprise or a group differs from the taxable results of such enterprise or group.

Different approaches followed to determine taxable profits

Some countries in Europe follow the concept of dependence in determining the taxable results. This means that the profits resulting from the commercial accounts are taken as the primary basis for tax assessment. Subject to the relevant taxation rules, certain fiscal adjustments have to be made in order to calculate the taxable profits.

Other countries, in particular those with a common law tradition, follow the concept of independence. Two separate sets of rules are applied, one for the commercial results and another for tax purposes. Such countries do not rely heavily on commercial accounting rules for taxation, which may have as a consequence that the two systems differ considerably.

Both systems have advantages and shortcomings. With separate taxation rules, two sets of rules must be applied, which may increase the compliance burden for enterprises. It may also be easier to deviate for tax purposes from certain principles followed in commercial accounting. However, even when taxation is based on the commercial accounts, certain tax adjustments are unavoidable.

For the time being, it would be unrealistic to ask for a common approach in this respect. Each country is free to decide whether the determination of the taxable results should be based primarily on commercial accounts or derived from the application of a separate set of taxation rules.

Countries have the right to follow different approaches with respect to the relationship between commercial and tax accounting (dependence/independence). Both approaches have advantages and shortcomings. However, in both cases, well-established principles of taxation must not be disregarded.

Differences between commercial accounting and capital market rules

Commercial law prescribes how the financial results of a single enterprise are determined. These rules are often set out in specific accounting laws. Accounting and reporting rules are based on the principle of fair presentation and are mainly designed to increase transparency for investors. The standards must be applied consistently to the whole group. Sometimes, enterprises are given a choice with regard to the application of a given method or rule. The uniform application is examined by external auditors and is enforceable by supervisory bodies. Specific accounting and reporting standards for companies increase transparency and comparability, mainly for investors. A convergence of the principles governing existing accounting and reporting standards is desirable in order to increase comparability and to facilitate multiple listings. However, possible tax implications for companies, especially in countries relying on commercial accounts as primary basis for tax assessment, have to be kept in mind, and the convergence should not deteriorate the tax position of enterprises.

Different approaches and different purposes

Commercial, financial and taxation rules serve their own purposes and, as a consequence, differences in the results should be expected and accepted.

o Commercial accounting rules are used to determine the commercial results of a single entity. They establish, in particular, whether a profit or a loss has resulted for a given period. The rules may form part of a country's commercial or company law. They are intended to protect the rights of shareholders and creditors and, as a consequence, the prudence principle occupies an important place.

o Financial accounting and reporting rules are part of a country's capital market regulations. Their objective is to give investors (and other stakeholders) a reliable and, as accurate as possible, picture of the financial situation of the economic entity (group) at a given moment (financial position, performance, cash flows). The guiding principle is "fair presentation" or "true and fair view". Other important rules in this respect are "substance over form", "market value measurement", and - as a consequence of true and fair - the factual prohibition of hidden reserves.

o Taxation rules are used to determine taxable profits. Their objective is to define the tax liability of enterprises to the tax administration for a given year. The rules must be susceptible to compliance by taxpayers and control and enforcement by tax authorities. Taxation rules for companies are usually designed to preserve economic neutrality, so that business decisions are not unduly influenced by fiscal measures. The rules may also provide for non-fiscal objectives. Tax laws reflect general principles of taxation, such as non-discrimination or taxation according to economic capacity, but also practicalities, such as availability of funds for payment of the liability (realization), fairness between different categories of taxpayers (neutrality), the annual character of the liability (loss carryovers, standardized depreciations), long-term profitability (prudence, imparity, valuation below market value) and other such factors. For example, tax systems may prescribe special timing rules for the recognition (or deferral) of income, loss carryovers from other years and other rules peculiar to the field of taxation.

The approaches followed for the calculation of commercial, financial and taxation statements serve different purposes. Although the respective rules are focused on the same general object (the results of a business entity in a given period), it is important to understand that, under existing concepts, the rules applied in financial accounting and those applied for tax purposes should not be expected to be strictly comparable.

The good of interactions between accounting and taxation rules

As a result of demands by international capital markets (globalization), widely used accounting and reporting standards are expected to lead to a certain harmonization in the area of accounting and reporting. On the other hand, so long as each country imposes its own taxes, implementing its own tax policies, a similar degree of harmonization of taxation rules is not to be expected. At the same time, the more the rules used for financial accounting differ from those used in the field of taxation, and the more the results of a group become transparent, the more obvious the differences that result from the application of the two sets of rules become. Tax authorities should not use the financial results of an entity (in the same country or in third countries) as a pretext for an adjustment of the taxable profits of an enterprise or to justify transfer pricing corrections.

The rules applied for financial accounting and those used for tax purposes may differ considerably and may lead to results that cannot reasonably be compared. Tax authorities and policy makers should accept that the underlying principles of financial accounting are not always compatible with basic principles and practices used in the field of taxation. From a tax policy perspective, it is important that taxation rules are not undermined by an inappropriate extension of financial reporting requirements.

Internationally recognized accounting standards can be seen as a coherent set of rules for accounting and reporting that should give investors a "true and fair view" of the financial situation (balance sheet), performance (income statement) and changes in the financial position (cash flow) of an economic entity at a given moment.

In the field of taxation, some widely accepted principles clearly deviate from concepts used for financial accounting and reporting purposes. In addition, tax laws often provide for non-fiscal objectives, e.g. the granting of specific incentives (for R&D, for special reserves, to promote self-financing, to attract certain business activities, etc.). They may be designed to influence the behavior of enterprises by granting incentives or using disincentives (e.g. environmental taxes or relieves). Furthermore, a country's taxation system is the result of a political decision-making process and therefore, in many cases, neither neutral for businesses nor fully internally consistent.

Taxation and financial accounting rules serve different purposes, have different objectives and are based on different principles. Although both sets of rules are used to measure the annual results of an enterprise, differences in the results or in the methods applied have to be accepted. Financial accounting looks at the enterprise as an economic entity, whereas taxation is normally based on a separate entity approach.

Policy makers in the fields of taxation and accounting must be aware of these differences. Tax authorities must respect them and refrain from using companies' financial results for tax adjustments.


READ MORE - The Importance Of Differences Between Taxation And Accounting Rules

Using Your Health Savings Account to Build Retirement Savings

Health Savings Accounts are an excellent way to build a second retirement account. These tax-favored accounts, which have only been available since January of 2004, can be opened by anyone with a qualifying high-deductible health insurance plan. Once you open an HSA account, you can place tax-deductible contributions into it, which grow tax-deferred like an IRA. You may withdraw money tax-free to pay for medical expenses at any time.

The biggest reason more people don't retire before age 65 is lack of health insurance, and many Americans reach age 65 woefully unprepared for the medical expenses they'll face once they do retire. One of the most important long-term reasons for establishing an HSA is to build up some money for medical expenses incurred during retirement.

Fidelity Investments reports that the average couple retiring in 2006 will need $190,000 to cover medical expenses during retirement. This assumes life expectancies of 15 years for the husband and 20 years for the wife.

HSAs are, without exception, the best way to build up money to pay for medical expenses during retirement. You should not contribute any money to your traditional IRA, 401 (k), or any other savings account until you have maximized your contribution to your HSA. This is because only health savings accounts allow you to make withdrawals tax-free to pay for medical expenses. You can take these distributions anytime before or after age 65.

Your HSA contributions won't affect your IRA limits -- $3,000 per year or $3,600 for those over 55. It's just another tax-deferred way to save for retirement, with the added advantage being that you can withdraw funds tax-free if they are used to pay for medical expenses.

For early retirees who are healthy, a health savings account can also be a smart option to help lower their health insurance costs while they wait for their Medicare coverage. The older someone is, the more they can save with an HSA plan. For many people in their 50's and 60's who are not yet eligible for Medicare, HSAs are by far the most affordable option.

Any money you deposit in your health savings account is 100% tax-deductible, and the money in the account grows tax-deferred like an IRA. For 2006, the maximum contribution for a single person is the lesser amount of your deductible or $2,700. In other words, if your deductible is $3,000, you can contribute a maximum of $2,700; if your deductible is $2,000, then that is the maximum. For families, maximum is the lesser of $5,450 or the deductible.

If you're 55 and older, you can put in an extra $700 catch-up contribution in 2006, $800 in 2007, $900 in 2008, and an additional $1,000 from 2009 onward. The contribution limit is indexed to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), so it will increase at the rate of inflation each year.

How much you accumulate in your HSA will depend on how much you contribute each year, the number of years you contribute, the investment return you get, and how long you go before withdrawing money from the account. If you regularly fund your HSA, and are fortunate enough to be healthy and not use a lot of medical care, a substantial amount of wealth can build up in your account.

Health savings accounts are self-directed, meaning that you have almost total control over where you invest your funds. There are numerous banks that can act as your HSA administrator. Some offer only savings accounts, while others offer mutual funds or access to a full-service brokerage where you may place your money in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or any number of investment vehicles.

One of the biggest advantages of retirement accounts like HSAs are that the funds are allowed to grow without being taxed each year. This can dramatically increase your return. For example, if you are in the 33% tax bracket, you would need a 15% return on a taxable investment to match a tax-deferred yield of only 10%.

As another example, if you are in a 33% tax bracket and were to invest $5,450 each year in a taxable investment that yielded a 15% return, you would have $312,149 after 20 years. If you put that same money in a tax-deferred investment vehicle like an HSA, you would have $558,317 - over $240,000 more.

Because catch-up contributions are allowed only for people age 55 and older, if one or both of you are under age 55 you should establish your HSA in the older spouse's name. This will allow you to capitalize on the expanded HSA contribution limits for people in this age range and maximize your HSA contributions. Once that person turns 65 and is no longer eligible to contribute to their HSA, you can open another health savings account in the younger spouse's name.

Strategies to Maximize your HSA Account Growth

If your objective is to maximize the growth of your HSA in order to build up additional funds for your retirement, there are three important strategies you should implement.

Strategy #1: place your money in mutual funds or other investments that have growth potential. Though this is riskier than placing your money in an FDIC-insured savings account, it is the only way to really take advantage of the tax-deferred growth opportunity that an HSA provides.

Strategy #2: delay withdrawals from your account as long as possible. Though you may withdraw money from your HSA tax-free at any time to pay for qualified medical expenses, you do have the option of leaving the money in the HSA so that it continues to grow tax-free. As long as you save your receipts, you can make medical withdrawals from your account tax-free at any future date to reimburse yourself for medical expenses incurred today.

As an example, let's say a 45 year old couple places $5,450 per year in their HSA over a period of 20 years, they have $2,000 per year in qualified medical expenses, and they get a 12% return on their investments. If they withdraw the $2,000 from their HSA each year, they'll have a net contribution of $3,450 per year into their account, and they'll have $248,581 in their account when they begin their retirement years.

If on the other hand they delay withdrawing that money, they will have $392,686 in their account at age 65. If they choose they can withdraw the $40,000 to reimburse themselves tax-free for the medical expenses incurred during that 20 year period, and still have $352,686 in their account - over $100,000 more than if they had withdrawn the money each year.

Strategy #3: make the maximum allowable deposit to your HSA at the beginning of each year. Even though you are allowed until April 15 of the following year to make deposits to your HSA, you should take advantage of the tax-free growth in your account by funding it as soon as possible. The extra interest you can earn by contributing to your account on January 1 of each year rather than the next April 15 can amount to over $40,000 in a 20 year period, and over $100,000 in 30 years.

Using Your HSA to Pay for Medical Expenses during Retirement

When you enroll in Medicare, you can use your account to pay Medicare premiums, deductibles, copays, and coinsurance under any part of Medicare. If you have retiree health benefits through your former employer, you can also use your account to pay for your share of retiree medical insurance premiums. The one expense you cannot use your account for is to purchase a Medicare supplemental insurance or "Medigap" policy.

Though Medicare will pay for the majority of health expenses during retirement, there many be expenses that Medicare will not cover. Nursing home expenses, un-conventional treatments for terminal illnesses, and proactive health screenings are all examples of medical expenses that will not be paid for by Medicare, but that you can pay for from your HSA.

Long-term care is assistance with the activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, or feeding yourself. It can be provided in your home, a retirement community, or a nursing home. Long-term care expenses can be paid for using funds from your HSA, and long-term care insurance can even be paid for from the HSA up to the following maximum annual amounts:

- Age 40 or under: $260

- Age 41 to 50: $490

- Age 51 to 60: $980

- Age 61 to 70: $2,600

- Age 71 or over: $3,250

To establish a health savings account, you must first own an HSA-qualified high deductible health insurance plan. Compare HSA plans side by side to determine the best value to meet your needs. Once you have your high deductible health insurance plan in place, you can open your Health Savings Account with the financial institution of your choice.

By Wiley P Long - President, HSA for America. At HSA for America, we makes it easy to learn about and set up health savings accounts. Please link to this site when using this article:

READ MORE - Using Your Health Savings Account to Build Retirement Savings

Want A Degree In Accounting? Do The Math

Accounting professionals play a huge role in the success of businesses today. And while becoming a traditional accountant is always an option, other important contributions are made by individuals who specialize in using technology to collect and analyze data for business planning purposes. So if you want to test the waters, so to speak, there are important skills to learn that can help you pursue entry-level positions while developing the knowledge and know-how to integrate general accounting, finance, data interchange and network technologies.

But how to you get the skills to land that first job?

Business Accounting Technology

Associate Degree. This degree in accounting puts the focus on using internet technologies and financial electronic commerce as tools in the accounting process. In fact, accounting professionals use technical knowledge to perform most of the day-to-day tasks in the digital marketplace. This degree in accounting blends accounting concepts, financial applications and elements of business with accounting technology, such as business data interchange and migration, and network technologies. What you get is a practitioner-oriented program of study that can help you prepare to function in a variety of business atmospheres.

Some of the courses you can expect to take include:

o Accounting I and II

o Business and Information Systems

o Financial Accounting: Reporting and Analysis

o Fundamentals of Tax Preparation

o Business Law and Regulation

o Corporate Finance

If you're hoping to get an online accounting degree, you should check with the schools you're interested in. Most technical schools, community colleges and universities now offer a large number of internet classes - so you may be able to complete at least part of this associate degree online.

Business Technology Degree in Accounting

Bachelor's Degree. This degree in accounting gives you the skills to collect and analyze data that's vital to business planning. A smart company wouldn't plan a future expansion without a recommendation from its accounting department, and the accounting department would only make a positive recommendation after extensive research and analysis of data related to business trends, historical growth, budgets and profits. A bachelor's degree in Business Accounting Technology can help you develop the knowledge and skills to work in such areas as management advisory services, income tax and auditing, budgeting, cost accounting, financial analysis and general accounting.

Some courses you'll be taking include:

o Financial Accounting: Reporting and Analysis

o Business Database Operations

o Principles of Marketing

o Accounting Application to Internet Technology

o Corporate Analysis and Forecasting

o Global Finance and Accounting

Again, some programs of study also offer one or more classes via the World Wide Web. So, check with different schools to see if you can earn your bachelor's degree in accounting online.

A Degree in Accounting: What the Future Holds

There's a lot to get out of a degree in accounting, whether it's a traditional degree or one that focuses on business accounting technology. This challenging work is constantly evolving, and because accounting professionals spend a lot of time behind the scenes of companies and corporations, it's a great way to get an understanding of how business really works. It's no surprise that many successful players in the corporate world began their careers in the accounting field. It's also no surprise that many Chief Financial Officers of large corporations have a background in accounting. With a Business Technology degree in accounting, you'll be on the fast track to understanding what drives business and profits in a company.

Sandra Callahan is an educational consultant specializing in technology-based education. In addition, Callahan counsels students pursuing various technology-related degrees and writes online articles.

READ MORE - Want A Degree In Accounting? Do The Math

Ten Reasons Why You Should Open a Savings Account in Australia

Saving is an important factor by which we can enjoy great benefits in our problem days. Natural disasters and family problems can come any time so we must be ready to face them by making some savings. It is difficult to save money these days after allocating & budgeting for important items like transportation, housing, and food but it is very important to save money, even a small amount, as the benefits are multiple. A bank saving account in Australia is a very important financial tool which is providing lots of facilities to people with all time saving benefits. I want to save money but why should I open a saving account? It is a natural question which comes to every savers mind; let's check ten reasons why you should open a saving account!

Saving in Secure accounts

Australian Banks provide different choices in saving accounts like online saving accounts, simple saving accounts with different rates and choice of withdrawals (with and without withdrawals). People can choose according to their suitable rates, everything is a secured saving option.

Free and No minimum balance

Many Australian banks are providing saving accounts to its customers without any fee and with no minimum balance required. You can open saving account with any amount you want to save and deposit.

Australian Government's Guarantee

Federal Govt. of Australia announced a complete guarantee for all deposits in Australian owned banks including saving accounts. There is no fear for account holders due to any international economic problem.

Unlimited Withdrawals

Number of withdrawals in saving account is unlimited with some of the banks providing ATM facility free of charge.  

No Tax

Deposits and withdrawals on all saving accounts in Australia are not taxed. You can withdraw your money after saving it for the period without any cost. 

High Interest Rates

Saving accounts in Australian banks have high interest rates. Banks are paying a good interest on your amount ranges from 3.5 - 5% and you also have choices to when you want your interest to be paid like annually, quarterly etc.

Internet Access of saving accounts

Australian banks are now providing you direct internet access on your saving account by which you can check your balance before and after deposits, any withdrawals or receiving interest. It is a free technical facility with all saving accounts.

Changing the type of saving account

You can change the type of saving account after its completion term or fixed date with any other of your choice. You can compare different types of saving accounts and choose any suitable to your type with any changes to your needs.

Security and Accessibility

Banks provide complete security to the account holders. Saving accounts in Australian banks are completely secured both from the economic problems and personal securities. These saving accounts are accessible at any time from the ATM machines as according to the type of account you choose.

Multiple personal benefits

Saving accounts creates interest rates for you and increases your savings which you cannot get by keeping money at home. Any type of saving account of your choice can earn you good money with a timely approved withdrawal at the time of needs like family planning, child's education and retirement. Saving accounts always at free of cost which gives you a tension free secure place to keep your money.

Asad Zeeshan

Management Consultant

READ MORE - Ten Reasons Why You Should Open a Savings Account in Australia

Thursday, September 23

The Painless Guide to Switching Checking Accounts

The thought of trying to move your money and automatically scheduled bill payments from one checking account to another is often enough to prevent people from changing checking accounts. It may be easier to just stick with what you've got, but if you want to maximize your earnings or benefit from features offered through another banking institution, you'll have to be willing to do a little legwork to switch your money and any automatically scheduled payments from one checking account to another. While it may seem overwhelming at first, you can just follow this guide for virtually painless switching of checking accounts - and you'll be set up in no time!

Step 1: Review The Previous Month's Statement for Automatic Payments

If you have online banking with your current checking account, log in and view last months transactions. If you don't have online banking set up, get out your paper statement for the last month. Make a list of any payments that are automatically deducted from your account (meaning you do not physically write and send a check or initiate the online payment yourself).

Make another list of any items that you regularly initiate an online payment for - these are transactions that don't occur automatically, but you don't write checks for them either. You'll need to update your payment information in the online accounts of these creditors in order to continue making your payments through this method.

Step 2: Direct Deposits and Automatic Savings Transfers

Make another list of all income sources that are directly deposited into your checking account. Typically this would be your payroll direct deposit from your employer; but may also include child support or other direct deposit transactions.

If you have set up an automatic savings plan through your account, you will want to write down the details as well, so you remember to cancel the automatic transfer from checking to savings and to set it up again with your new checking account.

Step 3: Open the New Checking Account

Open your new account with a small deposit to get it set up if your funds are limited; if you have access to a sizable amount of money you can make a larger deposit and immediately start setting up your automatic bill payments again through this new account.

Order your checks if you use physical checks, and take note of the routing and account numbers for your new account. You will need this information to start transferring your automatic payments, direct deposits and automatic savings transfers.

Step 4: Cancel Automatic Payments and Savings Transfers

From the lists you've created, contact each of the creditors who receive their payment automatically through your old checking account. If you don't have a lot of money in the newly opened account, simply cancel the automatic payment and inform them you will be mailing your next payment manually. If you were able to open your checking account with a good amount of money, you can just switch the payment details from your old checking account to your new checking account without interrupting the automatic payment plan service, and avoid having to mail a check manually.

If you have an automatic savings transfer, you can choose to temporarily stop it while you are setting up the new checking account or again, if you have enough money in the new account already simply switch the details to the new bank and resume making your automatic savings transfers through the new account immediately.

Step 5: Change Payroll Direct Deposit

Once you are sure there are no more automatic payments and savings transfers coming out of your old bank account, you can switch the payroll direct deposit (and any other sources of income that gets directly deposited) into your new checking account. Sometimes this takes one to two weeks to make the change, depending on the employer and the payroll department.

Step 6: Set Up Automatic Bill Payments and Savings Transfers

As soon as you see your first payroll direct deposit going into the new bank account, you can refer back to your list and re-set up the automatic bill payments again if you weren't able to do that at the same time as opening the checking account.

You will also be able to automatically transfer your money into your savings account once you set it up to withdraw from the new checking account.

If you had creditors and expenses that you would log into the website and initiate a payment, now is a good time to log into each of your accounts and update the payment method section of your profile. This will tell the account where to pull the money from - and you'll be able to specify your new checking account details for making payments here on out.

Step 7: Close the Old Checking Account, Enjoy the New One

After you've changed any automatically made transactions through the old checking account, verify that any outstanding checks or payments you've initiated have all cleared. As long as all transactions have posted to the account, at this time you should be able to safely close your old checking account and begin using your new checking account exclusively.

Debra Dragon is a freelance writer for She writes about how to make your money work better for you through various deposit accounts, including savings accounts, interest checking accounts, IRAs, and money market funds.

READ MORE - The Painless Guide to Switching Checking Accounts

Assets and Liabilities

Making a profit in a business is derived from several different areas. It can get a little complicated because just as in our personal lives, business is run on credit as well. Many businesses sell their products to their customers on credit. Accountants use an asset account called accounts receivable to record the total amount owed to the business by its customers who haven't paid the balance in full yet. Much of the time, a business hasn't collected its receivables in full by the end of the fiscal year, especially for such credit sales that could be transacted near the end of the accounting period.

The accountant records the sales revenue and the cost of goods sold for these sales in the year in which the sales were made and the products delivered to the customer. This is called accrual based accounting, which records revenue when sales are made and records expenses when they're incurred as well. When sales are made on credit, the accounts receivable asset account is increased. When cash is received from the customer, then the cash account is increased and the accounts receivable account is decreased.

The cost of goods sold is one of the major expenses of businesses that sell goods, products or services. Even a service involves expenses. It means exactly what it says in that it's the cost that a business pays for the products it sells to customers. A business makes its profit by selling its products at prices high enough to cover the cost of producing them, the costs of running the business, the interest on any money they've borrowed and income taxes, with money left over for profit.

When the business acquires products, the cost of them goes into what's called an inventory asset account. The cost is deducted from the cash account, or added to the accounts payable liability account, depending on whether the business has paid with cash or credit.

READ MORE - Assets and Liabilities

Solve All Your Problems With Accounting New York

It is a known fact that accounting or bookkeeping is one of the most tedious, time consuming and one of the important aspects of a business, and the business can be a small scale business as well as a large scale business. Accounting is not an easy task and it requires a lot of expertise on the part of the accountant or the person who will be managing the accounts of the company. And if you feel that your organization needs the help of some expert accountant you can always hire a professional from an accounting New York firm. And if your organization is located in New York, you can easily hire a professional from an accounting New York firm.

Running a business is not a child's play and it requires a lot of management and expertise. One has to look after almost every aspect of the business and in this case keeping a track on the accounting aspect of the business is literally impossible. In fact accounting is one of the most important aspects of any business and only if one manages to maintain accurate accounting records, they can easily understand the profit or the loss that the organization is generating. In fact one needs to maintain a daily record of all the financial transactions of their business as this helps them to draw conclusions about the financial status of their business. When you hire a professional from any accounting New York vendor you can rest assured that all the records of the financial aspects of your business will be properly maintained and that you will get the best from these professional accountants of an accounting New York organization.

A professional accountant that you hire from an accounting New York firm works towards the profits of the clients whom they are serving. As they are highly professional they have tremendous expertise in their work and know everything about accounting and bookkeeping. These professionals from an accounting New York firm make sure that they provide you with all the accounting details of all the transactions that your firm had to bear in a particular time period. Handling accounting task basically concerns keeping a check on the invoice generation, billing statements, payments records, trial balance, profit and loss account, balance sheet, debit and credit entries and many more. Accounting is in fact one of the most tedious processes of any business and the accounts department is one of the most efficient departments of a business and this is the one department that has to be constantly conscious and alert about any transaction that the company bears.

In this case where accuracy is the key word, it is only an expert professional who can handle such tedious tasks of maintaining the accounts of a firm and in this scenario it is a professional from an accounting New York firm who can be of utmost help to a business. Hiring a professional from an accounting New York firm not only helps your business to get the accurate accounting details but also helps you to relax and have an eased out accounting session.

Peter Terry has extensive knowledge about bookkeeping and knows the importance of this for running a successful business.To know more about Accounting New York,NYC bookkeepers,Bookkeepers New York, Accounting New York visit

READ MORE - Solve All Your Problems With Accounting New York

Why Shift To Accounting Software?

Before tackling the question as to why should you switch to accounting software, here are a few lines about accounting first.

Accounting in business helps in proper management of revenues and expenditures that ultimately decide whether a business is heading towards failure or success. It is a process of collecting, summarizing and analyzing the financial data of an organization.

To manage all these, you can either hire an accountant or invest in a good accounting software. And the growing popularity of accounting software suggests that the latter option is a better investment. So, do not be discouraged if you do not have any knowledge about accounting. Just invest in a good accounting software which in turn will take care of your accounts.

In fact, it is becoming a norm to purchase an accounting software application before starting a business. You can find accounting software for both small as well as large businesses. You can choose from a basket of multiple accounting software programs. Depending on the type of business you have and how you run it, you have to choose the software package that compliments your business, instead of being a limiting force.

Simply put, the main advantages of switching over to accounting software are that it saves time as well as money. No doubt, your accountant(s) may be the best in business, but the following points will make it clear why an accounting software scores over any of them:

To remain competitive in this age, your business needs all the information quickly. You can not wait for the paper works to get finished. You must be aware of what is happening in your company. Accounting software can do all these things for you.

Modern businesses are all about managing time. To smoothly run your business, all you should look for is time management.

Accuracy is another thing where you can not let your guard down. While human beings can never be error free all the time, you will find that accounting software can be 100 percent correct at almost all the times.

Another advantage of accounting software is that it will keep you updated. It works great when applied to tracking tax codes changes.

All the current accounting software are easy to use, set up and navigate. And with the advancement of technology, they are becoming more specialized, catering to the needs of specialized businesses.

Last but not the least, an accounting software helps you save money as it is a one time purchase. Also, it can grow with your business thus minimizing your future cost.

All the above mentioned points are reasons enough to make you shift to an accounting software. An accounting software will make your business management better, more efficient and easier. But, choosing the best software is the most critical thing. By looking at the websites, reading reviews and talking to former users, you can apprise yourself about different accounting software. In fact, the accounting software market is full of different types of accounting software with many different features. You just need to calculate your needs and zero down on the product that suits you the best.

To get more information about accounting, accounting software and benefits of accounting software visit

READ MORE - Why Shift To Accounting Software?

Wednesday, September 22

Stimulate Company Growth Using Accounts Receivable Factoring

Accounts receivable factoring is the sale of part or all of a debt that someone owes to your company. When companies purchase a debt through accounts receivable factoring, they pay for your invoice at a discount. They then collect the debt directly from the company who owes you money.

Accounts receivable factoring is distinct from using your accounts receivable as loan collateral because you are outright selling some or all of your receivable to a factor, such as a bank or insurance company, at a discount. You don't collect the debt owed to you from that account anymore, but you also don't have to worry about loan repayments. Accounts receivable factoring makes up about a third of all financing secured by American companies using accounts receivable and inventory as collateral; it's not an uncommon practice. And accounts receivable factoring can help you get large orders that you otherwise wouldn't be able to manage.

Consider the following scenario: you have ten thousand dollars in cash on hand, most of which is currently earmarked for payroll or debt payment. As a relatively new company, you don't have credit enough to use your accounts receivable as collateral for a loan. A large new account becomes available, and you bid on it and win. The problem is, you only have a workforce of fifteen people, and the new contract requires you to staff it with twenty people, purchase several new computers, and find space for the new staff to work out of. And you must do this immediately.

Your ten thousand dollars isn't enough to do this, and you can't get a loan. But you can engage in accounts receivable factoring, sell your current receivables at a small discount, and have the cash immediately on hand to hire the staff, rent the space, and purchase your necessary equipment.

Another possibility - you have a large amount owed to you as in accounts receivable, but one company is paying much too slowly, despite the penalties for late payment. You can sell your not-past-due accounts receivable to an accounts receivable factoring agent in order to maintain your cash flow, and with penalties for late payment applied to the other company, you will probably break even.

Using Accounts Receivable Factoring Wisely

When you sell part of or all of an account to an accounts receivable factoring company, try to get a personal recommendation for the company from a trusted associate: another company's officer, a trusted friend, a bank, etc. If you can't, at the very least ensure your accounts receivable factoring agreement states exact conditions, charges, and procedures for the purchase of your accounts receivable.

And don't use accounts receivable factoring just as a way to get ready cash. Accounts receivable factoring can help you determine whether your payment terms are overly generous, whether the companies to whom you're extending credit are credit worthy, and whether your collections arrangements are adequate for your business. When you speak to the agent arranging your accounts receivable factoring, be it a broker or the actual funder, ask about these things. Accounts receivable factoring companies are interested in long-term ongoing relationships with companies, and will be happy to help you ensure your procedures and information concerning accounts receivable are adequate for your needs.

You should never use accounts receivable factoring for debts you suspect won't ever be paid. Again, you want to develop long-term relationships with accounts receivable factoring companies; they can help your company grow for a long time into the future. But if you sell them accounts they can't collect on, you can be certain they won't work with you again, and they may share that information with other accounts receivable factoring companies as well.

Henry Byers, Accounts Receivable Factoring advisor - focusing on Business Factoring [] and Factoring Receivables

READ MORE - Stimulate Company Growth Using Accounts Receivable Factoring

Withdraw From Your IRA After Using Up Your Taxable Accounts to Keep Your Wealth Longer

As a retiree you've probably accumulated savings in both government-regulated retirement accounts - such as a 401(k) or an IRA - and regular taxable accounts. You'll withdraw from them for your annual living expense.

But different tax treatments that apply to the investment earnings and withdrawals for each type of account make it confusing about which type you should withdraw from first. Below I'll show that withdrawing first from your taxable accounts allows you to preserve your wealth longer.

Investment earnings of government-regulated retirement accounts grow tax-deferred, so these accounts compound at their annual return rates. But you pay income tax on what you withdraw from them since your contributions were tax-deductible. The character of the investment within such plans doesn't usually influence this tax treatment.

By taxable accounts, I mean those that you contributed to with after-tax money. There's no particular tax advantage associated with the account. The character of the investments in these accounts and their return determine their tax treatment. So, interest and dividends in such accounts are typically taxed annually as income. Only long term capital gains get a lower tax treatment, usually. Withdrawing any more than the earnings from such investments brings no additional tax since it represents a return of your basis - i.e. your previously taxed contributions.

With that said, it's better to withdraw from your regular taxable accounts before your IRA-type accounts to pay for annual living expenses during retirement since this ordering of withdrawals preserves your wealth longer. To show this, I'll assume comparable investments in each account type; and, for simplicity, I'll assume whatever earnings those investments produce would be taxable each year in a taxable account.

This implies the investments produce dividends and interest as earnings. In fact, a highly reliable dividend and interest paying investment mixture is ideal for IRA-type accounts since it produces a solid return that'll compound annually under a tax-deferred account.

First Observation:

If you don't withdraw from either type of account for living expenses, the IRA-type account will grow faster - for equal yearly returns in investments.

That's because the IRA-type account return is the yearly compounding rate. The taxable account's earnings are taxed so some of the return is lost. If you're in the 25% tax bracket, you must withdraw 25% of the earnings to pay that tax. That leaves only 75% of the return to compound. You lose part of the return; and that undermines the magic of compounding.

Second Observation:

Withdrawing for your annual living expense from your taxable account will deplete that account slower than withdrawing from your IRA-type account if investment returns can't offset the withdrawals.

That's because you must pay the annual taxes on your taxable account. Pulling more out for living expenses comes out tax free as a return of basis.

When withdrawing from your IRA-type account, you must always withdraw more than your living expenses since you have to pay income tax on whatever you withdraw too. So that depletes your IRA account faster than it would your taxable account.

If returns are high enough so both investments grow each year in spite of expense withdrawals, your taxable account will grow slower than the IRA account. That's because the same percent of the taxable account's earning are necessarily lost. On the other hand, the excess withdrawal to pay those 'withdrawal' income tax for the IRA-type account remains constant - but shrinking percentage-wise.

But, additionally, it's also best not to touch the IRA-type account at all - so it can compound as fast as possible as we found under the first observation.

If you must make minimum required distributions from your IRA-type accounts, just take the minimum while taking the balance you need for living expenses from your taxable account.

Investments whose character is heavily tax-advantaged - such as capital gain-based investments and real estate rental investments- are usually best handled outside of government-regulated retirement accounts.

Shane Flait writes and consults on financial, legal, and tax issues. He tells you what the issues are all about and gives you workable strategies to accomplish your goals. Find out more and get a free report on Managing Your Retirement

You can contact him at

READ MORE - Withdraw From Your IRA After Using Up Your Taxable Accounts to Keep Your Wealth Longer


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