Saturday, September 18


Depreciation is a term we hear about frequently, but don't really understand. It's an essential component of accounting however. Depreciation is an expense that's recorded at the same time and in the same period as other accounts. Long-term operating assets that are not held for sale in the course of business are called fixed assets. Fixed assets include buildings, machinery, office equipment, vehicles, computers and other equipment. It can also include items such as shelves and cabinets. Depreciation refers to spreading out the cost of a fixed asset over the years of its useful life to a business, instead of charging the entire cost to expense in the year the asset was purchased. That way, each year that the equipment or asset is used bears a share of the total cost. As an example, cars and trucks are typically depreciated over five years. The idea is to charge a fraction of the total cost to depreciation expense during each of the five years, rather than just the first year.

Depreciation applies only to fixed assets that you actually buy, not those you rent or lease. Depreciation is a real expense, but not necessarily a cash outlay expense in the year it's recorded. The cash outlay does actually occur when the fixed asset is acquired, but is recorded over a period of time.

Depreciation is different from other expenses. It is deducted from sales revenue to determine profit, but the depreciation expense recorded in a reporting period doesn't require any true cash outlay during that period. Depreciation expense is that portion of the total cost of a business's fixed assets that is allocated to the period to record the cost of using the assets during period. The higher the total cost of a business's fixed assets, then the higher its depreciation expense.

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Depreciation reporting

In an accountant's reporting systems, depreciation of a business's fixed assets such as its buildings, equipment, computers, etc. is not recorded as a cash outlay. When an accountant measures profit on the accrual basis of accounting, he or she counts depreciation as an expense. Buildings, machinery, tools, vehicles and furniture all have a limited useful life. All fixed assets, except for actual land, have a limited lifetime of usefulness to a business. Depreciation is the method of accounting that allocates the total cost of fixed assets to each year of their use in helping the business generate revenue.

Part of the total sales revenue of a business includes recover of cost invested in its fixed assets. In a real sense a business sells some of its fixed assets in the sales prices that it charges it customers. For example, when you go to a grocery store, a small portion of the price you pay for eggs or bread goes toward the cost of the buildings, the machinery, bread ovens, etc. Each reporting period, a business recoups part of the cost invested in its fixed assets.

It's not enough for the accountant to add back depreciation for the year to bottom-line profit. The changes in other assets, as well as the changes in liabilities, also affect cash flow from profit. The competent accountant will factor in all the changes that determine cash flow from profit. Depreciation is only one of many adjustments to the net income of a business to determine cash flow from operating activities. Amortization of intangible assets is another expense that is recorded against a business's assets for year. It's different in that it doesn't require cash outlay in the year being charged with the expense. That occurred when the business invested in those tangible assets.

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Building Cash Reserves

Building a financial cushion for your business is never easy. Experts say that businesses should have anywhere from six to nine months worth of income safely stored away in the bank. If you're a business grossing $250,000 per month, the mere thought of saving over $1.5 million dollars in a savings account will either have you collapsing from fits of laughter or from the paralyzing panic that has just set in. What may be a nice well-advised idea in theory can easily be tossed right out the window when you're just barely making payroll each month. So how is a small business owner to even begin a prudent savings program for long-term success?

Realizing that your business needs a savings plan is the first step toward better management. The reasons for growing a financial nest egg are strong. Building savings allows you to plan for future growth in your business and have ready the investment capital necessary to launch those plans. Having a source of back-up income can often carry a business through a rough time.

When market fluctuations, such as the dramatic increase in gasoline and oil prices, start to affect your business, you may need to dip into your savings to keep operations running smoothly until the difficulties pass. Savings can also support seasonal businesses with the ability to purchase inventory and cover payroll until the flush of new cash arrives. Try to remember that you didn't build your business overnight and you cannot build a savings account instantly either.

Review your books monthly and see where you can trim expenses and reroute the savings to a separate account. This will also help to keep you on track with cash flow and other financial issues. While it can be quite alarming to see your cash flowing outward with seemingly no end in sight, it's better to see it happening and put corrective measures into place, rather than discovering your losses five or six months too late.

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Ugh, budgeting is one of those topics we'd rather avoid, but in business, it's an absolute necessity. To prepare a reasoned and thoughtful budget, an accountant must start with a broad-based critical analysis of the most recent actual performance and position of the business by the managers who are responsible for the results. Then the managers decide on specific and concrete goals for the coming year. It demands a fair amount of management time and energy. Budgets should be worth this time and effort. It's one of the key components of a manager's job.

To construct budged financial statements, a manager needs good models of the profit, cash flow and financial condition of your business. Models are blueprints or schematics of how things work. A business budget is, at its core, a financial blueprint of the business. Budgeting relies on financial models that are the foundation for preparing budgeted financial statements. Those statements include:

--Budgeted income statement (or profit report): This statement highlights the critical information that managers need for making decisions and exercising control. Much of the information in an internal profit report is confidential and should not be divulged outside the business.

--Budgeted balance sheet: The connections and ratios between sales revenue and expenses and their corresponding assets and liabilities are the elements of the basic model for the budgeted balance sheet.

--Budgeted statement of cash flows: The changes in assets and liabilities from their balances at the end of the year just concluded to the projected balances at the end of the coming year determine cash flow from profit for the coming year.

Budgeting requires good working models of profit performance, financial condition, and cash flow from profit. Constructing good budgets is a strong incentive for businesses to develop financial models that not only help in the budgeting process but also help managers in making strategic decisions.

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So what goes on the accounting and bookkeeping departments? What do these people do on a daily basis?

Well, one thing they do that's terribly important to everyone working there is Payroll. All the salaries and taxes earned and paid by every employee every pay period have to be recorded. The payroll department has to ensure that the appropriate federal, state and local taxes are being deducted. The pay stub attached to your paycheck records these taxes. They usually include income tax, social security taxes pous employment taxes that have to be paid to federal and state government. Other deductions include personal ones, such as for retirement, vacation, sick pay or medical benefits. It's a critical function. Some companies have their own payroll departments; others outsource it to specialists.

The accounting department receives and records any payments or cash received from customers or clients of the business or service. The accounting department has to make sure that the money is sourced accurately and deposited in the appropriate accounts. They also manage where the money goes; how much of it is kept on-hand for areas such as payroll, or how much of it goes out to pay what the company owes its banks, vendors and other obligations. Some should also be invested.

The other side of the receivables business is the payables area, or cash disbursements. A company writes a lot of checks during the course of year to pay for purchases, supplies, salaries, taxes, loans and services. The accounting department prepares all these checks and records to whom they were disbursed, how much and for what. Accounting departments also keep track of purchase orders placed for inventory, such as products that will be sold to customers or clients. They also keep track of assets such as a business's property and equipment. This can include the office building, furniture, computers, even the smallest items such as pencils and pens.

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Friday, September 17

Basic Accounting Principles

Accounting has been defined as, by Professor of Accounting at the University of Michigan William A Paton as having one basic function: "facilitating the administration of economic activity. This function has two closely related phases: 1) measuring and arraying economic data; and 2) communicating the results of this process to interested parties."

As an example, a company's accountants periodically measure the profit and loss for a month, a quarter or a fiscal year and publish these results in a statement of profit and loss that's called an income statement. These statements include elements such as accounts receivable (what's owed to the company) and accounts payable (what the company owes). It can also get pretty complicated with subjects like retained earnings and accelerated depreciation. This at the higher levels of accounting and in the organization.

Much of accounting though, is also concerned with basic bookkeeping. This is the process that records every transaction; every bill paid, every dime owed, every dollar and cent spent and accumulated.

But the owners of the company, which can be individual owners or millions of shareholders are most concerned with the summaries of these transactions, contained in the financial statement. The financial statement summarizes a company's assets. A value of an asset is what it cost when it was first acquired. The financial statement also records what the sources of the assets were. Some assets are in the form of loans that have to be paid back. Profits are also an asset of the business.

In what's called double-entry bookkeeping, the liabilities are also summarized. Obviously, a company wants to show a higher amount of assets to offset the liabilities and show a profit. The management of these two elements is the essence of accounting.

There is a system for doing this; not every company or individual can devise their own systems for accounting; the result would be chaos!

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Bookkeeping Basics

Most people probably think of bookkeeping and accounting as the same thing, but bookkeeping is really one function of accounting, while accounting encompasses many functions involved in managing the financial affairs of a business. Accountants prepare reports based, in part, on the work of bookkeepers.

Bookkeepers perform all manner of record-keeping tasks. Some of them include the following:

-They prepare what are referred to as source documents for all the operations of a business - the buying, selling, transferring, paying and collecting. The documents include papers such as purchase orders, invoices, credit card slips, time cards, time sheets and expense reports. Bookkeepers also determine and enter in the source documents what are called the financial effects of the transactions and other business events. Those include paying the employees, making sales, borrowing money or buying products or raw materials for production.

-Bookkeepers also make entries of the financial effects into journals and accounts. These are two different things. A journal is the record of transactions in chronological order. An accounts is a separate record, or page for each asset and each liability. One transaction can affect several accounts.

-Bookkeepers prepare reports at the end of specific period of time, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. To do this, all the accounts need to be up to date. Inventory records must be updated and the reports checked and double-checked to ensure that they're as error-free as possible.

-The bookkeepers also compile complete listings of all accounts. This is called the adjusted trial balance. While a small business may have a hundred or so accounts, very large businesses can have more than 10,000 accounts.

-The final step is for the bookkeeper to close the books, which means bringing all the bookkeeping for a fiscal year to a close and summarized.

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There are many different careers in the field of accounting ranging from entry-level bookkeeping to the Chief Financial Officer of a company. To achieve positions with more responsibility and higher salaries, it's necessary to have a degree in accounting as well as achieve various professional designations.

One of the primary milestones in any accountant's career is to become a Certified Public Accountant or CPA. To become a CPA you have to go to college with a major in accounting. You also have to pass a national CPA exam. There's also some employment experience required in a CPA firm. This is generally one to two years, although this varies from state to state. Once you satisfy all those requirements, you get a certificate that designates you as a CPA and you're allowed to offer your services to the public.

Many CPAs consider this just one stepping stone to their careers. The chief accountant in many offices is called the controller. The controller is in charge of managing the entire accounting system in a business stays on top of accounting and tax laws to keep the company legal and is responsible for preparing the financial statements.

The controller is also in charge of financial planning and budgeting. Some companies have only one accounting professional who's essentially the chief cook and bottle washer and does everything. As a business grows in size and complexity, then additional layers of personnel are required to handle the volume of work that comes from growth. Other areas in the company are also impacted by growth, and it's part of the controller's job to determine just how many more salaries the company can pay for additional people without negatively impacting growth and profits.

The controller also is responsible for preparing tax returns for the business; a much more involved and complex task than completing personal income tax forms! In larger organizations, the controller can report to a vice president of finance who reports to the chief financial officer, who is responsible for the broad objectives for growth and profit and implementing the appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives.

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Financial statements are the backbone of a complete financial report. In fact, a financial report is not complete if the three primary financial statements are not included. but a financial report is much more than just those statements. A financial report requires disclosures. This term refers to additional information provided in a financial report. Therefore, any comprehensive and ethical financial report must include not only the primary financial statements, but disclosures as well.

The chief executive of a business (usually the CEO in a publicly held corporation) has the primary responsibility to make sure that the financial statements have been prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the financial report provides adequate disclosures. He or she works with the chief financial officer or controller of the business to make sure that the financial report meets the standard of adequate disclosures.

Some common methods of disclosures include:

--Footnotes that provide information about the basic figures. Nearly all financial statements require footnotes to provide additional information for several of the account balances in the financial statements.

--Supplementary financial schedules and tables that provide more details than can be included in the body of the financial statements.

--Other information may be required if the business is a public corporation subject to federal regulations regarding financial reporting to its stockholders. Other information is voluntary and not strictly required legally or according to GAAP.

Some disclosures are required by various governing boards and agencies. These include:

--The financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has designated many standards. Its dictate regarding disclosure of the effects of stock options is one such standard.

--The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) mandates disclosure of a broad range of information for publicly held companies.

--International businesses have to abide by disclosure standards adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board.

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New smart phones won't be enough to rekindle Nokia market share

Remember when everything you knew there were phone cover Nokia? Nokia wants these days back, but with smartphones. He unveiled three new smartphone Nokia World in London today. PCWorld has more on the latest Nokia hopefuls:
New Nokia devices include Nokia E7-oriented business-oriented consumer C7 and revised version of the Nokia C6. all three devices are equipped with Symbian ^ 3 OS last iteration Nokia OS for the first time this year on Nokia N8.
Nokia E7 has 4-inch widescreen resolution, 360 640 AMOLED capacitive touchscreen and keyboard ... 16 GB internal memory slideout; 256 MB RAM; 8-megapixel camera with dual LED Flash and 720 p high-definition video capture, Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, HDMI and micro USB2.0 port. Nokia claims, the device will offer nine hours of talk time in GSM networks, and five hours on WCDMA … the E7 ' s Europe offers retail price is around $ 637.
Social networking focused C7 comes with Facebook, Twitter and webmail integration on the screen device. C7 ' s display has 3.5 inch amoled capacitive touchscreen with a resolution of 640, 360. The device also has a slim profile on 0.41 inches, a little more than iPhone 4 ' s 0.37 inch profile. (It will cost approx.) $ 430 in Europe.
The smallest of the bunch, Nokia C6 functions 3.2 inch … touch widescreen with 640 360 resolution … front-facing camera for video calls and rear-facing camera with 8 megapixel camera, dual led Flash, 720 p video capture and 2 X digital zoom. Smartphone was miniscule 340 MB of internal memory, but includes a microSD memory card support for another 32 GB.Other features include GPS connection, 802 .11b/g/n and Bluetooth 2.0; stereo FM radio; and 3.5 mm A/V connector. Nokia claims, C6 is 11.5 hours of talk time in GSM networks. C6 … will Sell for about $ 335 in Europe.
Nokia will release the N8.From Ars Technica:
(Vice President of Nokia and new phone leading Anssi)Vanjoki called Nokia N8 breakthrough multimedia device with world-class cameras.He has a 12MP sensor, Carl Zeiss Optics, xenon flash and shutter.Although he acknowledged that it still cannot rival dedicated digital camera, he argues that the N8 camera better than any other smartphone to demonstrate its effectiveness, he showed a number of impressive photos of the device.
New Nokia doesn't sound much better than anything already on the market there is not enough innovation to attract users from their lineup for the iPhone and the droids.So what will Nokia compete in these new phones? Price? according to Bloomberg,

Nokia in July said that operating margin devices could fall as low as 7 per cent in the third quarter, as it is ready to release the N8. Difference in 2008 amounted 12.5% last year and 18.2% drop in July Nokia posted 40% in profit for the second quarter.
Where will the Nokia get volume from the phone for a low price, if they choose this strategy? with their current batch underwhelming devices I don't know how Nokia will find your niche in the Smartphone market.
READ MORE - New smart phones won't be enough to rekindle Nokia market share

Thursday, September 16

$ Foresakes Italian tourist resort for cultural integrity

Image: o2ma/Flickr
Toscana in Forte dei Marmi, resort where ultrawealthy spend 100 000 euro at Villa rental or € 1000 for a dinner reservation. Like many resort towns, local residents were forced from the skyrocketing prices of real estate, courtesy of millionaire tourists. Most tourist towns, which is part of life.But Forte dei Marmi, the Mayor takes different positions, $ foresaking tourists in favour of maintaining a culture of Forte dei Miami. From the guardian:
Forte dei Marmi-traditional summer retreat for the Italian captains of industry, writers and film stars – changes in the law tries to stop the local residents fled the House prices driven by incoming Russian millionaires. Fighting Mayor Humberto Buratti, reservation sites around luxury villas with sea views for new homes that will be sold only at the place of birth of buyers or. other Italian resorts with similar problems will monitor the experiment with interest.
"We want to save the symbol of the city, rather than see it turned into a place with no ties as anonymous as a motorway service station," said Buratti.
"Despite their wealth, Italians always loved the elegant simplicity and understatement," said Paolo Korca hotels, pointing out the traditional leaders and aristocrats, shopping by bike in the stores of the family.Where those stores again, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana and Miu Miu-window shop full of Coyote fur stoles is now draw in Russia.
Born and raised in Forte dei Marmi and the son of a tailor, Mayor Buratti says he wants to preserve local culture, made from tough tribes who defied the Roman Empire and the Roman slaves who later settled, they focus on the local dialect.But it does not become too misty eyed.The locals were the first to profit from rising prices of homes for sale and purchase of houses in remote areas, "he says."That is why the ban on the sale of new homes in 20 years ".
Buratti in movement can in fact be the long-term strategy of tourist sounds for the city. Restricting travel impact at present, it may help to maintain a culture that has always attracted tourists in the long run in 20 years, a new wave of millionaires – Chinese or Indian constantly.perhaps – may flock to the city to adopt in its unique culture and configure it as serious conviction refuse tourist dollars in global economic recession.
This is an interesting story to follow and not last time, we are going to read the discussion, particularly with new types of tourists, covering areas that traditionally only saw European or Western visitors.
READ MORE - $ Foresakes Italian tourist resort for cultural integrity

Mass Media Theory vs. Reality

This is so true:

Source: toothpaste for dinner
READ MORE - Mass Media Theory vs. Reality

Why China Japan spat is leading to war

Last Tuesday, the Chinese fishing boat collided with the Japanese Coast Guard boats near the tiny island of Diaoyutai (as they are known to Taiwan China calls them the Diaoyu. Japan encourages them Senkaku. all three countries to claim them as your own.)
Japan's captain and crew hostage boat fishing. He released the crew today, but the master and the ship remain in custody, Japanese investigation.Arrests underline the ongoing struggle between the two superpowers Asia with China are increasingly on the offensive. But, according to a global theme Jonathan Adams, China and Japan are too economically interdependent risks to full-scale conflict:
Nearby natural gas resources (Ed: and potential oil reserves) making islets location strategic ... Japan is the most effective control … But China strong reaction to latest incident reflects a newfound swagger of growing Asian branch of Government seeks to promote a wide range of territorial claims, says Asia security experts and longtime Lam Willy China watcher.
China is one of the world's fastest upgrade naval forces, as well as Asia's largest maritime forces, including more than 60 attack submarines, Destroyers and frigates, 75 according to the Pentagon. And he's got an aircraft carrier in the works. Japan has only 18 submarines dialing in response to the growth of China's Navy and about 50 destroyers and frigates.
But serious military showdown is unlikely, for many reasons: Perhaps the most important is the unprecedented economic ties between the two major powers in East Asia in 2007, China has surpassed THE USA in Japan's top economic partner.Since then haven't looked back: bilateral trade hits record near $ 140 billion in the first half of this year 34.5% jump in the same period last year, according to the Government of Japan.Export of Japan in China is growing even faster than imports, due to an increase in consumption in China, indicating the increasing importance of China as a market, not only in the world.
All of this shows that Japan has a keen interest in addressing current spat out quickly meet in Beijing.
Adams also shows that "China's emergence as a superpower fishing", participated in a violent reaction in Japan arrests. Chinese fishing catch 17 million tonnes of fish per year, according to Adams, much more than the u.s. or Japan China approximately 300 000 motor boats "were involved in disputes with THE US NAVY, Coast Guard, and now Indonesia, Japan," says Adams.
Breast augmentation thumping reflects the growing role of China as Asia East gegemona, in case we need more evidence that. read the rest of the global theme articles here.
READ MORE - Why China Japan spat is leading to war

Links this week

Education: secondary Education or just a status symbol? (via economy Roundtable).
Trendwatching in latest briefing (Maturialism) uses some interesting new products to show trends.
THE NYT has a neat visualization on religion and poverty: I'd like to see a similar one religion and education.
Harvard Business Review different looks at why men are more shares than women.
Steve Rubel on how Google Instant makes SEO is not a value.
READ MORE - Links this week

Wednesday, September 15

10 best online and traditional business schools

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Which business school should you attend? Figuring out where to get your MBA is crucial to your career, your connections, and your future.
Can you take two years off from work, or do you need your MBA to be part-time? On-campus or online? Where can you get in, given your qualifications? Finally, and perhaps most importantly, can you afford it?
Popular publications like the US News & World Report, The Financial Times, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek compile business school rankings to help you determine what business school you want to attend. While informative, such rankings aren’t perfect. What, for example, makes an analytically-oriented business school with financial industry connections better than a business school specializing in case studies and teamwork? Subjectivity, probably, which is why these rankings often fall short.
Still, rankings help. That’s why we analyzed the top picks from the publications above to give you a list of the 10 best online and traditional business schools. Regardless of location, these MBAs will cultivate your skills, sharpen your network, and give you the title you need to bring your career to higher ground.
The Best Traditional Business Schools
Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago

Image: josh.ev9/Flickr
One of the first business schools established in the US, the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business lets students study commerce in direct proximity to the famous Chicago School of economic thought. Whether that makes you a neoclassical businessperson by default is unknown. Either way, Booth is one of the best business schools in the world. Unlike many other schools, Booth gives students a lot of control over the range and variety of courses they take to complete their MBAs. Aside from one required course, students can custom-tailor their degree, resulting in a specialized and individually satisfying MBA experience.
Famous alumni include Morningstar CEO Joe Mansueto, Goldman Sachs COO Jon Winkelried, Zipcar CEO Scott Griffith, and Domino’s Pizza CEO J. Patrick Doyle.

Harvard Business School

Image: Paul Lowry/Flickr
Harvard practically invented business school by coming up with case studies as a research and teaching tool. The institution’s eminence and deep sense of history continues today, giving Harvard MBA holders automatic access to the most elite facets of the business world. Many of today’s top business leaders, from JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, came off the Harvard MBA assembly line. In short, if you want to be a Master of the Universe, look no further than HBS.

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Image: jeffpearce/Flickr
The most prestigious business school on the West Coast also boasts one of the most coveted MBAs in the world. If you manage to squeeze into the program, you can join the ranks of other alumni and run big companies like Gap, Capital One, or GlaxoSmithKline. Or you can found the next Trader Joe’s or Kiva, both of which were created by Stanford MBA alumni. While Stanford isn’t an Ivy school, it might as well be, for all the inroads it provides.

Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania

Image: souravdas/Flickr
The first business school in the United States (est. 1881) is also one of the most prestigious. A gaggle of eminent CEOs emerged from Wharton, including the CEOs of American Airlines, Estee Lauder, Boeing, Tesco, and Comcast. At nearly $85,000, this data-driven school isn’t for the faint of wallet. It does buy you not only a killer education, but access to a network of students and alumni that will either help you get a window office or get into office.

Columbia Business School

Image: Jorbasa/Flickr
Wanna be a Wall Street mogul? Ever since Wall Street kingpin A. Barton Hepburn, president of Chase Manhattan Bank, founded Columbia Business School in 1916, it has been cultivating financial geniuses, including Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, and Wareen Buffett. Consistently one of the top MBA programs in the US, Columbia even offers select students an education on value investing, taught in part by eminent hedge fund managers. The only thing they don’t give you is access to the lobbyists necessary for any banking mogul to do business, but you can find those easily enough through the alumni network.
MIT Sloan School of Management

Image: Tjeerd/Flickr
MIT’s Sloan School of Business began, predictably enough, as a program for engineering administration. It then evolved into a school that offered a Master of Science in Management. Only after 1995 did Sloan, still renowned for its analytical and quantitative curriculum, finally begin offering an MBA.
The school is still one of the best places for mathletes to train their business muscles, especially in the renowned entrepreneurship program. In an elite university hand-holding arrangement, Sloan students can also take courses at Harvard Business School to satisfy some of their Sloan requirements. Sloan coincidentally matriculated the current dean of the Harvard Business School and Wharton’s former dean, aside from a host of other captains of industry.

Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Image: Amy Ashcraft/Flickr
Founded in 1900, Tuck is one of the United States’ oldest business schools. Unlike the variety of MBAs offered by most other business schools, Tuck only provides a two-year full-time MBA. The school claims that this structure, combined with small classes and accessible faculty, makes it the business school of choice for students seeking a true community in their class. With only 250 students and 47 full-time faculty, this Ivy League school swaps out size for intimacy.
Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley

Image: brainchildvn/Flickr
UC Berkeley is one of those rare public universities that offers an Ivy League-level business education. Besides the full-time program, you can take an evening/weekend program and an executive MBA in conjunction with Columbia, where you study at Columbia in New York City during part of the program. Famous alumni include the CEOs of Jack in the Box, Adobe, Intel, and Bank of America.

Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University

Image: ejojola/Flickr
With an emphasis on teamwork and group projects, Kellogg is a haven for the more socially-minded business aspirant. Kellogg, a b-school brand that holds serious sway in the business community, is also known for strong marketing and consulting training. Besides a full-time MBA, Kellogg offers part-time and Executive MBAs. Notable alumni run, Office Depot, Campbell Soup Company, and Seven-Eleven.

Fuqua School of Business at Duke University

Image: Matt Phillips/Flickr
The relatively young Fuqua, founded in 1969, offers a bigger variety of MBAs than your usual elite institution. Aside from the usual full-time and weekend MBAs, you can earn a Global Executive MBA, Cross Continent MBA, Weekend Executive MBA, and three different flavors of Masters in Management Studies. Melinda Gates, Delta Airlines CFO Hank Halter, and Victoria’s Secret CFO Pamela White all made the world their oyster with a Duke MBA.
The Best Online Business Schools
IE Business School

Madrid-based Instituto de Empresa (IE) Business School has one of the world’s leading MBA programs, online or offline. Its 15-month online Global MBA, which you can take in English or Spanish, requires two 5-day residential periods in Madrid, but who can complain? Better yet, the online International Executive MBA requires three residential periods of 2 weeks each. At nearly $48,000 for the online Global MBA–the Executive MBA is closer to $71,000–it’s not the cheapest online MBA you can find. But you get a quality of education, eminent brand, and excellent global network in return.
Thunderbird School of Global Management

Based in Arizona, this 46-year-old private university offers an online version of its world-renowned Global Management MBA, attainable in 1-3 years. Thunderbird, one of the top names in international business, boasts alumni including a former Starbucks president, Microsoft CFO John Rex, and BP CEO Bob Dudley. That international eminence, mind you, will set you back $66,800.
University of Leicester

Thanks to their decision to focus on their distance learning programs more than many other traditional universities, Leicester, one of England’s better universities, also offers a dirt-cheap online MBAs. At £8,165 (or $12,601), with potential to pay it off in three payments, few other online programs can compete with Leicester’s price to quality ratio.

Want to know what a next-generation online education looks like? Singapore-based U21Global (formerly Universitas 21 Global), the result of a partnership between 18 universities and Connecticut-based digital education company Cengage Learning, truly reflects a 21st-century education. The online-only U21 offers a global education informed by member universities from more than 10 countries. These universities include Canada’s McGill University, the University of Virginia, and the Universities of Melbourne, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Edinburgh. U21 launched its first program, the MBA, in 2003.
Although students in India and Southeast Asia comprise the majority of enrollments at U21, the total student body comes from more than 50 countries. The MBA, which generally takes 2-3 years to complete, is heavy on case studies, with all exams being open-book and open-web. The university isn’t accredited (its single accreditation, the EFMD, applies only to technology-based management programs). But if you want to build your global business buddy network, and are cost-conscious, this could be your U.
Walden University

Walden University, a Minnesota-based online university, offers a slew of graduate degrees, including an MBA. The university is one of Laureate Education Inc.’s vast network of for-profit online learning centers. As a result, you can tap into their vast network, which includes Bill Clinton as honorary chancellor.
You can specialize your Walden MBA in one of twelve disciplines, including some that many other top online MBA programs don’t offer, like Healthcare Management. Your MBA will set you back a relatively reasonable $30,000.
Kelley School of Business at Indiana University

Indiana University is one of the leading universities in the US. its business school is no exception. The IU distance MBA, “Kelley Direct,” gives you access to the school’s quality education without the need to move yourself to Bloomington for longer than the school’s two 1-week on-campus sessions. Famous alumni include the CEOs of Nestle, Whirlpool, FedEx, and Cisco Systems. Oh, and Jared Fogle, the Subway guy who lost a lot of weight. At $1,065 per credit, the school’s costs are moderate, but the excellent network and brand are worth it.
Henley Business School at the University of Reading

The UK’s first business school likes to point out that it’s one of the only triple-accredited online MBA programs in existence. Quality-assured by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), and the Association of MBAs (AMBA), the Henley Business School doesn’t mess around when it comes to credentials.
Formerly a management college, Henley has been a business school since 2008. Its MBA by Flexible Learning (the online MBA), attainable in 3 years, costs a relatively reasonable $26,000.
University of Maryland University College

The University of Maryland University College (UMUC) is known for serving not only its namesake state, but more than 50,000 active US military servicepeople located in various countries overseas, including Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s also one of the biggest distance universities around.
At $49,602, this fully accredited program isn’t the cheapest MBA around, but you don’t have to take the GMAT or GRE to get in. And with “Curb Your Enthusiam’s” Larry David among notable alumni, who wouldn’t want to attend?
Robert Kennedy College

Robert Kennedy College, founded in 1998, offers you the unusual opportunity to get a University of Wales MBA while studying at a private university in Switzerland. Despite a mere 1-week residency requirement in Zurich, the university claims that “whatever you are called – Richard, Douglas, Apostolos, Karin, Ahmed, Ajay or Francis – we’ll know you by your name.” Students are from more than 90 countries.
Students take between 2-5 years to earn an MBA with one of the school’s many specializations, which include hospitality management and investment management. Faculty and lecturers include Harvard and Oxford alumni. And at around $13,740, this is one of the least expensive MBAs you can get.

University of Florida

In two years, you can obtain a University of Florida Internet MBA with eight weekend campus visits, or polish that MBA off in a mere year, with five weekend campus visits. With those time constraints, it’s not the easiest online MBA, but you do get a degree from one of the biggest schools in the country, with a similarly large ratio of notable alumni. Plus, it gives you an additional excuse to watch Gators games.
READ MORE - 10 best online and traditional business schools

HP Buys ArcSight it security company

Hewlett-Packard buys ArcSight enterprise security company for $ 1.5 billion. Holy Uolle has more:
(Purchase remains HP) spending Spree, which began after the head Mark Hurd resigned last month.The deal is the latest purchase small security firm by a huge technology trends, while some see as the biggest tech considers the importance of including the safety of their product portfolio. ArSight makes software that monitors networks for unusual activity, such as hacker attempts to break into the system.
ArcSight deal continues DR. push software and other areas outside the major computer hardware companies that started on Hurd. software, online storage and services – all areas where DR. has expanded recently to have higher margins than basic personal computers and servers., DR. leaders have repeatedly said that the company will continue its expansion strategy.
"This purchase," Said Katherine at Egbert, an analyst at Jefferies ' can stimulate the large software vendors (ISVs), systems and equipment to evaluate the importance of security for their product portfolio, thus sparking a wave of consolidation is possible – like happened a few years ago in [bi] and intelligence. "
HP also recently bought a corporate storage company 3Par, winning the bidding war against Dell.
HP'S deep pockets will serve him well in the war, he began last week with the former CEO Mark Hurd.
READ MORE - HP Buys ArcSight it security company

Violent crime: it's not the economy

FBI recently released annual statistics indicating that violent crime decreased by 5.3% in 2009. Property crime declined 4.6%. 2009 is the third consecutive year that violent crime decreased.
These figures is contrary to the popular belief that bad recession like this lead to an increase in crime. Wall St. journal in Ashby Jones explains the fall happened:
Police experts attribute lower rates for a number of factors, ranging from improving police tactics of demographic trends.
Attorney General Eric holder said more than $ 4 billion Obama administration led to law enforcement authorities in 2009 «economic stimulus legislation helps to maintain public safety and encouraging innovation in criminal justice. "
But the future may look a little dimmer on the front of the crime, said Peres. it is anticipated that the federal funds that may fall down and clarify cutting budgets to revenue shortfalls, the number of police officers. Some analysts wonder whether this crime can lead to a rise in crime down the road as the delay effect of recession.
Boston Globe James Alan Fox has said that although the weak economy is not the default produces more criminals, officials should not use positive FBI statistics as an excuse to budget cuts.Reductions in crime prevention and surveillance, for example, make it easy for existing criminals operate:
This is rarely the case … .that someone loses a job at the Bank and decided to Rob a bank to make ends meet.Those who have lost their homes to foreclosures tend not to go out and burglarize homes of others for cash fast decision not to pursue a career criminal depends largely on the labour market.
This was in some of the poorest and most crime-infested areas, reducing the negative effects of police budget hit hardest in the last decade, City police departments were asked to do more, but at a lower cost.Emphasis on Homeland Security and to protect potential victims of terrorism have left many hometowns, protected from normal street violence.
Unfortunately healthy reduction in overall crime can easily be used to justify further budget cutting for law enforcement and other areas of criminal justice.Those in favour of tax cuts for the benefit of those who are hired, you might want to think twice: a few extra dollars in your pocket, not very useful if you're staring down the wrong end of a gun.
The American Prospect offers some reality behind the decline in crime correlation:
Compared to the high rates of crime (and prosperous) 1920 's, the great depression saw a significant reduction in violence and a crime against property (unemployed, poor targets for identity theft). violent crime rose during the 1970s and early ' 90s, but in both cases the drug violence is the culprit — heroin in the 1970s and crack cocaine in the 1990s.
No enclosing "shock" to the system — such as the new drug epidemic — has never been any reason to think that would lead to an increase in crime during the recession. Nevertheless, violent crime in the United States is still very high, at least when compared with other developed countries, and millions of Americans still suffer from reality and the threat of violence.
It is also worth noting that while the overall crime rates down, some regions like Houston, bucking the national trend of increasing crime. USA still has some very violent high crime pockets. Knowing the location and nature of these "hot spots" is the best way to stay secure than just assuming that crime down worldwide.
READ MORE - Violent crime: it's not the economy

You know you have too many books,

This may be intentional, too, of course ...

READ MORE - You know you have too many books,

Monday, September 13

Business Accounting - Advice From an Expert

Businesses will have a hard time remaining fine without having a means of monitoring how expedient each venture or service is for them. Through using business accounting you will be given the tools to do honest that. This service does not only let a company store data and track cash flows as most enjoy, it also allows them to status failing ventures, capitalize on suited ones as well as state wasteful procedures. There are many uses for business accounting that can assist any business.

narrate you learn through the accounting work that you are spending an average of $1500 dollars each month on office supplies. Each year multiple orders are placed for the various supplies multiple times. You dwelling that you are paying for shipping each time an order is placed. Using this information you can fabricate the decision to order the same amount of supplies each month at a share of the brand thanks to buying in bulk. The one gigantic shipment costs noteworthy less than the countless smaller shipments. Thanks to business accounting you stopped a wasteful diagram. You can also expend similar methods to peep each product or service and settle what changes can be made.

Business accounting procedures speed the gamut from the very basic to the extremely complex. A diminutive organization with impartial a few sales might be able to fetch by with a ledger book and a pencil. Companies with hundreds or thousands of transactions in a given day will likely expend an automated system designed for their corporation. There are many programs available for those companies that plunge in between these two extremes. A marvelous spreadsheet program, like Microsoft Excel, can attend track sales and costs. Programs like QuickBooks near with additional accounting features that will also categorize your cash promenade and forecast financial performance. These programs can be found on-line or at any software retailer, and can be a very pleasurable tool. The only caveat with these packages is that the results they generate are only as gracious as they data they receive.

In nearly all cases it can be very respectable to have a business accountant to back provide expertise. minute businesses may pick up having one around is incredibly useful, however larger businesses may have whole teams providing them back. Even if the company is exiguous and they do not necessarily need to hire a business accountant they can aloof outsource the job for a considerable smaller cost and reap the same rewards. But in most cases when it comes to future planning and forward sightedness it can be vital to have a business accountant.

As you can eye, properly applied business accounting techniques can support any size company. This procedure will attend ensure not only that all outstanding payments are received and bills paid, but will also relieve you observe unusual markets, make original ideas, sever inefficiencies and destroy, and beget a sound business strategy. Any business that is looking to go forward cannot ignore the need for business accounting, and neither should you.
READ MORE - Business Accounting - Advice From an Expert

Backbone of Business - first-rate Accounting Services

It is generally said that "pleasant Business Is urge By profitable Accountants". As per the saying, it is almost apt stating that obedient accounting policies will attract respectable clients or superb business. Undoubtedly, there are few other concerns which are needed to be considered while setting up a business. In order to speed a business in a apt device and to compete in this global market and to face the reduce throat competition one has to be the best. To be the best in market one needs to work on that spot which supports the business, that is, which acts as the backbone- Accounting Services.

What a Loss!!!

A company's growth or demolition strictly depends on the hands of accountants. Recently, Satyam Info tech can be taken as the biggest example of how a tremendous banner got ruined into dust due to inappropriate accounting recount. So, accounting services has to taken care by the trained officials who are efficient enough to handle immense accounts.

Yes Its factual....Too Many Services!!!!

Accounting services should be provided to the employee in such a manner that it could meet the customer satisfaction. The organization that develops the structure of the services in such a draw so that it can advance the expectation of the client along with its gain abet reaches the peak level.

The expected services that are desired can be listed as:

1) chronicle Receivable: This is a major exertion when promoting the business in global market. This service is mandatory for those firms which allows 'sell on credit ', for those it acts as a major asset.

2) sage Payable: This is to retain track of the unpaid due, so that the company can setup the budget understanding monthly or annually. This consists of the services that the business has already received but for which payment has not been made by the business. Thus, it is eminent under liabilities.

3) Budgeting: Making an entire understanding of expenses annually or monthly is compulsory to hurry the business efficiently. The annual budget understanding is valuable to know the region of the business. However, it varies depending on the client, number of employees and the business environment.

4) Cash Management: Managing cash inflows is a tough job as it leads to success and failure of the business. If slouch is properly planned then it can easily think the cash requirements and the total cash utilized, cause 'money matters the most'.

5) Financial Reporting: Business needs to build a financial statement to mediate the total debit and credit balance, which in turn helps in auditing.

6) Inventory: "sell the feeble goods" is a colossal distress for a fine investor. The unsold goods or the off season goods has to be sold by the demolish of the year to establish the business suffering from loss. A wonderful business planner should know the inventory management strategy.

7) Payroll Administration: Payroll calculation is a biggest headache for substantial as well as runt firm. Salary calculation, tax deductions are the issues that are needed to be considered here. So that employees can trust on their management.

8) Quarterly Tax Filing: Tax should be paid by the employees. It is charged based on the employee's annual income. Management should capture care of filing tax, as because this is the source of income of the government.

9) General Ledger: A pleasurable business should possess a ledger which should be free of fraudulence. Ledger is venerable to contemplate an conception about the fetch, loss, revenues, liabilities etc which helps the business to fabricate a excellent future notion and which also maintains transparency.

10) Bank Reconciliation: It is an critical aspect for those organizations which does expansive transactions on a daily basis. The regular transactions must match with the bank statements, otherwise records could be rechecked for confirmations.

11) Accounting Setup: A apt business should have favorable anecdote setup for well functioning, planning, and regular monitoring. It should be revised according to the recent policies to give the best result and to derive the best feedback.

Comprising of all these factors makes a wonderful business with a customer satisfaction environment. To come by a beneficial business generous accounting services has to be provided to the client. So that businesses can slump into the global market, with a strong scandalous.
READ MORE - Backbone of Business - first-rate Accounting Services

Professional Athlete Tax Accounting

Professional athletes are some of the highest earners in the world so it is pertinent that they employee financial advice, succor, and guidance from highly trained, trusted, and experienced financial professionals. The financial professionals that are able to grasp on the job of handling the current needs of these athletic professionals are CPA firms that specialize in tax and financial planning needs of pro athletes specifically.

The pro athletes that these CPA firms work with can near from a variety of different professional sports leagues. Clients could be from the NBA, MLBA, NFL, PGA, NHL, and any other sort of league that has pro sports figures. The partners in the CPA firms will work with the client to generate customized financial plans that can serve to provide for the future of the athlete and their family. They will also befriend the client complete monthly accounting compilations and earn tax minimization approaches. Many athletes will also have to file numerous income returns for the many different states in which they play and compete. CPA's who understand the specialized issues keen with this will be able to aid the players correctly file all of these forms.

There are immense deals of services that Certified Public Accountants can offer their specialized athlete clients. Some of the services that may be offered by a CPA firm handling pro athletes would be tax proficient investment plans, international tax minimization approaches, duty day strategies, bill pay services, charitable donation plans, area tax residency tactics, and compound set income tax minimization policies. They are also able to use services such as mortgage interest abstraction approaches, athlete uncommon payment plans, Internal Revenue Service spot resolution, and individual toll free phone numbers for pronounce sessions with a CPA, all-inclusive individual financial retirement planning, and registered player financial advisors with players associations from specific professional leagues, such as the NFL..

To be able to receive services, such as the ones mentioned previously, and to receive such individualized attention professional competitor have to get positive that they are using a trusted firm. A CPA firm that deals with professional sports figures should be versed in specialized tax issues, financial planning, international tax law, and business planning. Each advisor should always have the best interest of the player in mind, taking into consideration what the clients concerns and interests are all while doing what is best for that particular client and their site. It may be notable for the CPA to serve the sports figure thought for a retirement so that they are peaceful able to live the lifestyle that they have grown accustomed to once they are off of the field or court or they could have to benefit the client recover thousands or millions of dollars in overpaid taxes, but whatever the financial station may be the CPA will do what is best for their professional athlete client.
READ MORE - Professional Athlete Tax Accounting

The Fundamental Concepts of Accounting

The Federal Election was held in Australia on 21st of August 2010. During the rather slow election campaign there were questions raised by the major parties and everyone else for that matter, on how the elected government would go about accounting for the very stout amounts of money they receive and consume. These people talk in billions of dollars. It is rather mind-boggling but the accounting system they exercise can also be applied to dinky business and personal finances.

Most households require some invent of accounting to deal with their personal financial matters. You are probably aware of the saying that the only thing that is sure in this life is death and taxes. I mediate that it is radiant to say that accounting affects the lives of everyone in some draw in a original society.

I have always opinion of an accountant as someone who processed the financial data Ibprepared for them and submitted my annualbincome tax return required by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) . Their value was measured by the amount of money they could magically retrieve from the ATO by minimising the amount of tax I was required to pay. This understanding is shared by many who peruse accountants as nothing more than bookkeepers, 'number crunchers' or 'bean counters'. Unfortunately accountants are not magicians and the reports they prepare must stand up to the scrutiny of the ATO. The accountant should therefore be perceived as a professional who is able to minimize income tax by applying his talent and know-how acquired through years of ogle and experience

The accounting must abide by the rules. There are no two ways about that. The terms of reference are spelt out in:

* Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and 1997.
* Corporation Act 2001.

If the accountant fails to follow the laws made by our society, he/she will be punished. Accounting is a discipline and is extremely necessary to any financially healthy entity. Inadequate records normally accompanies business failure and in some cases bankruptcy. Accountants provide information to the owners and managers of a business or company so that appropriate decisions can be made on purchasesand investments. This is achieved by processing records, interpreting these records and reporting the findings from these records to these decision-makers in monetary terms.

The role of the accountant is always changing due to legislation changes and technological developments. Accountants are spoilt for choice when choosing an site in which to specialise. There are many opportunities in private business, government bodies or institutions. Some examples of the career paths an accountant may determine to pursue include:

* Taxation
* Auditing
* Budgeting
* Cost Accounting
* Management Advisory Services
* Financial Planning
* Forensic Accounting.

There are professional accounting associations available with entry qualifications and the aim of these associations is to maintain its members up to date with unusual developments. In Australia the longest established associations are the:

* Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICA)
* CPA (formerly known as the Australian Society Of Accountants)
* The National Institute of Accountants (NIA) incorporating The Association Of Accounting Technicians (AAT) .

These associations have had a well-known execute on the development of accounting in Australia. Its members are expected to abide by the pronouncements made by these associations as gracious accounting practices. Members are also expected to undertake a definite amount of professional development each year as it is valuable that accounting keeps lope with the needs of those it serves.

The increase in the size of organizations means that it is impossible for a manager to hold in touch with all that is going on. This is the reason for the development of the role of an accountant in a management team. The growth of collective ownership rather than individual ownership has meant that the function of the accountant has been extended to preparing financial reports for shareholders and people outside of the businesses they are interested in. Fortunately, computer technology has enabled the saving of a lot of time and energy and the production of more fair and detailed information.

Accounting is continually affected by legislation, technology, economic conditions and professional associations. It is these changes that has molded this profession into the sometimes nerve racking but essentially rewarding profession it is today.
READ MORE - The Fundamental Concepts of Accounting

An Accounting Website to assist You

Wouldn't your finances be easy to compile and absorb if you had your gain accounting website? You can have one for exiguous or no cost. You have to exertion about miscalculating or mismanaging your sage balances if you had access to automated formulas

If all you manage is your believe personal finances you can trace up for Quicken Online Edition - Free!

If you acquire a puny business you can come by QuickBooks Online Edition - Starting as extreme as $9.99 a month Service like that, from a name like that, for a impress like that is unbeatable.

Personal Accounting Website
Are you struggling to have $50 at the destroy of the month? Quicken accounting website makes it easy to eye where your money is legal now. You can personalize all you bank information so you understand it, change payee names, manufacture categories, and track tax deductions all in one space with a single ID and password.

Forgetting a bill payment can be very frustrating and can salvage expensive after a few occurrences. Having your enjoy accounting website will allow you to set-up reminders so that it never happens again objective because it slipped your mind.

Saving money is always hard, but in these financial conditions it makes it even harder. With the ability to check the progress of your expenses throughout the month can benefit gain the reins to establish more of you paycheck before it goes out the door.

Business Accounting Website
The most expensive and critical procedures for any business is the accounting. It doesn't matter how mammoth or minute your company is, all types and sizes must have the financial figures maintained accurately. It can be a difficult task to report transactions, manage accounts, and bag other financial details. An accounting website can automate and streamline the whole process. Also, having an attend to do the calculating and figuring, lessens the need for a expansive work force for a puny effect.

An accounting website can be customized to acquire solutions for each individual business requirement. If an accountant is already employed, then their workload will go down and they can concentrate more on efficiency and the bottom line. At times, running a business can be overwhelming. This is why an accounting website is a wise choice in the ruin.

QuickBooks accounting website provides the important accounting tools critical to manage your business and the freedom to access your financial information from work, home, or the road. For businesses that need access to the books from multiple places and/or have multiple users in different locations.

You can manage the finances from work, home, or the road with any Internet-connected PC. You are able to work together on the same file from different locations. It's easy to bag started, but abet is included if needed. The data is protected with daily, automatic assist ups and product upgrades are included in the mark of subscription.
READ MORE - An Accounting Website to assist You

Sunday, September 12

Methods For limited Business Accounting

tiny business accounting plays a crucial role in deciding the success of a business enterprise. Financial matters related to microscopic businesses are a limited different from that of the enormous business firms. So, if you wish to administer your business in a safe device, understating of these accounting matters are mandatory. Optimum utilization of funds, apt business activities, good credit allocation and timely evaluation of competitors along with effective decision making are all distinguished for petite business accounting professionals.

There are primarily three main financial measures that are fervent in the management of accounting details of a minute business. This includes cash drag statement, profit and less memoir and the balance sheet.

The balance sheet presents the worth of the business and lists the liabilities and assets of the tiny business throughout the year. The profit earned or the loss incurred by the business is all calculated by the profit and less legend. This statement shows the performance of the business and covers either the quarterly picture or the monthly describe.

The cash saunter statement is prepared so as to know about the cash balances of the puny business firm in future. This statement predicts about the cash requirements of the slight business in future.

Usually, there are two methods that can be utilized for puny business accounting. The first plan is the cash basis diagram that involves identification of cash receipts as the expenses and income and bill payments are seen as expenses. This map is obsolete by most runt business owners as it uncomplicated and can be easily implemented.

Accrual design is the second map to hold accounting books in shrimp business. In this draw, revenue that is entered in the memoir books does not rely on the accurate cash collection. If a sale is made, the product is recorded in the books as "accounts receivable", no matter if the amount has been paid by the customer or not. Further, when the amount is received from the customer, "accounts receivable" turns into cash and registered into the accounting books. Similarly, if there is any expenditure that is incurred by a diminutive business, it is written to be an expense in the book of accounts, even the bill is paid after a long span of time. Usually, cramped business that deals in manufacturing businesses, utilize this accrual contrivance to possess their accounting books.

There are also several accounting software that are especially designed for runt businesses and their requirements. Generating reports, storage data and performing calculations and managing other such accounting transactions can easily be sorted out with the encourage of these software. Using these software makes the work of accountants of these diminutive firms not only easily manageable but also this is a very cost-effective option.

little business owners may also explore assistance from accounting outsourcing firm for the pleasant management of their accounts and to hire proficient accounting services at affordable rates. So, win the slight business accounting firm that suits your budget as well as requirements and lessen the burden of your accounting tasks as early as possible.
READ MORE - Methods For limited Business Accounting

Forensic Accounting - What it Includes

Forensic accounting is intended for consume in a court of law or other factual processes and should be of the highest standard possible.

The term "forensic" should not be confused with the laboratory work on DNA, toxicology and related sciences musty in solving other types of crimes. In the case of forensic accounting, the word applies to a scientific arrangement of accounting to solve suitable problems.

A forensic accountant will normally work with cases exciting what is called "crimes against property." Such types of crime would include fraud, insurance cases, audits, personal injury cases, civil disputes and construction cases. Forensic accountants investigate these crimes and offer their expert testimony during just proceedings. They are sometimes also known as forensic auditors, fraud investigators, investigative accountants, investigative auditors and fraud auditors.

In forensic accounting, the investigators search for signs of fraud in suspected cases. They consume sure methodologies and often apply computer software in their investigations. One of the first steps of the auditor, after the evidence has been secured, is to thoroughly review all records - bank records, audit records, emails, etc. -- of the subject under investigation searching for irregularities and clues. The auditor will peruse for falsifications and other misuse of accounts, for example.

After the forensic accountant has obtained adequate knowledge of the financial site, they will interview the parties fervent to clarify on any leads they may have uncovered during the records review. Using cross-examination will allow the auditor to search for inconsistencies in the accounts of different witnesses and parties. The forensic accountant may compel people to give interviews with subpoenas or win evidence using search warrants.

With all the information at hand, the forensic accountant will have to label the assets and identify when and how the suspected crimes, if any, occurred. After reaching a conclusion, the auditor will design a record of all findings to submit to the court, and in some cases they may testify in person.

An example of a forensic accounting case would be a crime intelligent a Ponzi plan. A Ponzi blueprint is a type of investment fraud in which investors are fooled into believing they are making sincere successful financial investments. In reality, the profits the investors appear to collect consist of money invested by current investors. None of the money is actually veteran for investments, but the spin of modern cash creates that perception. At some point in a Ponzi method, the perpetrators usually intend on disappearing taking the remaining investment money.

A forensic accountant in such cases will follow the money trails and scrutinize that the Ponzi design promoters have no evidence to expose the money received was fervent in any financial transactions. They may be able to tag assets that were frail instead to illicitly assume cars or expensive vacations.

forensic accounting uses all the normal techniques of accounting and auditing but with the articulate purpose of discovering criminal actions in a timely matter. Scientific methods allow the auditor to finish results acceptable in a court of law.
READ MORE - Forensic Accounting - What it Includes

Accounting - A Core Investment Consideration

Accounting is a core business station that requires diligence on the portion of an investor.  Simply the existing of  accounting does not expose the business status is being effective.  As an investor, reliable accounting can forecast issues allowing steps to be taken to prevent effort or can allow taking advantage of unexpected opportunities.  Strong accounting is the key to timely reports for investors and timely submission of taxes.

As allotment and parcel to developing processes and procedures, the company should have a selected accounting firm that is experienced with the chose accounting software and should have chosen the software that will be archaic for property accounting.

Unless the project is expected to be a one off investment, the Company should purchase an integrated property management system that provides accounting function. Specifics system consideration factors are covered in a separate chapter.

Processes and procedures should exist for:

·         Creating (if this is a portfolio investment) current property accounts beginning with all entries prior to closing and the closing schedules of payments (normally a HUD1) .

·         Posting rent, current renter deposits, and fees,

·         Posting payable items including current invoices and contracts,

·         Posting capital expenditures on the property,

·         Identifying and segregating non-day to day entries,

·         Completing and maintaining payroll,

·         Monthly reconciliation of cash,

·         Completing and verifying month waste statements,

·         Completing and verifying year demolish statements,

·         Preparing year kill 1099s,

·         Completing year ruin taxes

The investor lead should review the above items and expectations for those items with the chosen outside accountant. As an outside investor, an accounting firm's letter summarizing experience, confirmation of review of the company's procedures, acceptance of this role, and some applicable references are reasonable expectations.
READ MORE - Accounting - A Core Investment Consideration

Tips For Accounting Outsourcing

Accounting is the significant portion in any size of business. Since accounting is a slow and time bright job but it is very considerable that accounting is outsourced to offshore company. This decision helps the company to concentrate in their space of specialization and not grief about the accounting aspect of the business. Outsourcing has several advantages and these include the following:

o The services of experts are available at a allotment of what would have been paid to hire them on a fat time or part-time basis.

o An offshore accounting outsourcing service provider provides friendly and competent services that are an asset to the company and simplify its working.

o Outsourcing relieves the company of the dumb and yet crucial process of accounting bookkeeping.

o When a company considers outsourcing not only does it not bother with recruitment of accounting professionals but also saves on office position and related expenditure.

sure Tips

1. The total cost is always a factor in the company while off shoring a job. But the lowest bidder need not always be the best bet because accountancy job is a ample hazardous job. So you should be careful while selecting a company.

2. Don't feel frightened to ask expect to the vendor if your have any doubts. Also do ask them whether they have done any similar project or not. Its better to ask them for sample example.

3. Milestone should be created for the free scamper of the project to completion. This not only achieve time for both the party but helps to obtain the payment in installations as and when completed.

4. Accounting is a very tough job. So this must be done from certified public accountants and in case of offshore outsourcing you need to confirm that the accountants are superb to handle and provide accounting solutions. So check the offshore vendor is right or not. Don't gain them blindly.

5. begin with a slight project so that you can give the vendor a chance to expose their caliber.

6. Security negate must be discussed upfront to bag certain about it. Accounting information is crucial to the success of every business and any leak of such information can have drastic consequences.

7. distinct your expectation from the vendor otherwise it creat pickle. It is really a valuable thing to specify your needs and expectation.

8. Communication with the accounting outsourcing firm is of utmost importance and you should be able to interact and communicate freely. Thus the service provider ought to have communication facilities that are generous and should be easily contacted.

9. Reviewing previous projects that the vendor has done will give you a radiant plan of the level and quality of accounting that they can negate. So that you can contemplate their line of thinking and working. It is also recommended that you initially inaugurate with a pilot project that will lisp you of the services that you have been promised.

10. A contract must be made before commence of any project which clearly deals with your expectations, accuracy of work and deadline to complete the work. This contract must gain all information from major to minor details so that you don't face any pickle.

Accounting outsourcing is always ideal in any size of business.
READ MORE - Tips For Accounting Outsourcing

Accounting Conventions and Accounting Concepts

(1) Relevance

The convention of relevance emphasizes the fact that only such information should be made available by accounting as is relevant and useful for achieving its objectives. For example, business is fervent in luminous as to what has been total labor cost? It is not alive to in incandescent how remarkable employees use and what they achieve.

(2) Objectivity

The convention of objectivity emphasizes that accounting information should be measured and expressed by the standards which are commonly acceptable. For example, stock of goods lying unsold at the destroy of the year should be valued as its cost impress not at a higher brand even if it is likely to be sold at higher imprint in future. Reason is that no one can be definite about the tag which will prevail in future.

(3) Feasibility

The convention of feasibility emphasizes that the time, labor and cost of analyzing accounting information should be compared vis-à-vis relieve arising out of it. For example, the cost of 'oiling and greasing' the machinery is so slight that its break-up per unit produced will be meaningless and will amount to wastage of labor and time of the accounting staff.

Accounting Concepts

(1) Materiality

It refers to the relative importance of an item or event. Those who obtain accounting decisions continually confront the need to perform judgments regarding materiality. Is this item colossal enough for users of the information to be influenced by it? The essence of the materiality opinion is : the omission or misstatement of an item is material if, in the light of surrounding circumstances, the magnitude of the item is such that it is probable that the judgment of a reasonable person relying on the picture would have been changed or influenced by the inclusion or correction of the item.

(2) Accounting period

Though accounting practice believes in continuing entity plan i.e. life of the business is perpetual but collected it has to recount the 'results of the activity undertaken in specific period (normally one year) . Thus accounting attempts to expose the gains or losses earned or suffered by the business during the period under review. Normally, it is the calendar year (1st January to 31st December) but in other cases it may be financial year (1st April to 31st March) or any other period depending upon the convenience of the business or as per the business practices in country concerned.

Due to this thought it is significant to bewitch into epic during the accounting period, all items of revenue and expenses accruing on the date of the accounting year. The pickle confronting this belief is that edifying allocation should be made between capital and revenue expenditure. Otherwise the results disclosed by the financial statements will be affected.

(3) Realization

This idea emphasizes that profit should be considered only when realized. The ask is at what stage profit should be deemed to have accrued? Whether at the time of receiving the order or at the time of execution of the order or at the time of receiving the cash. For answering this inquire of the accounting is in conformity with the law (Sales of Goods Act) and recognizes the principle of law i.e. the revenue is earned only when the goods are transferred. It means that profit is deemed to have accrued when 'property in goods passes to the buyer' viz. when sales are affected.

(4) Matching

Though the business is a continuous affair yet its continuity is artificially split into several accounting years for determining its periodic results. This profit is the measure of the economic performance of a worry and as such it increases proprietor's equity. Since profit is an excess of revenue over expenditure it becomes primary to bring together all revenues and expenses relating to the period under review. The realization and accrual concepts are essentially derived from the need of matching expenses with revenues earned during the accounting period. The earnings and expenses shown in an income statement must both refer to the same goods transferred or services rendered during the accounting period. The matching opinion requires that expenses should be matched to the revenues of the appropriate accounting period. So we must resolve the revenue earned during a particular accounting period and the expenses incurred to catch these revenues.

(5) Entity

According to this thought, the task of measuring income and wealth is undertaken by accounting, for an identifiable Unit or Entity: The unit or entity so identified is treated different and sure from its owners or contributors. In law the distinction between owners and the business is drawn only in the case of joint stock companies but in accounting this distinction is made in the case of sole proprietor and partnership firm as well. For example, goods musty from the stock of the business for business purposes are treated as a business expenditure but similar goods customary by the proprietor i.e. owner for his personal employ are treated as his drawings. Such distinction between the owner and the business unit has helped accounting in reporting profitability more objectively and fairly. It has also led to the development of "responsibility accounting" which enables us to catch out the profitability of even the different sub-units of the main business.

(6) Stable Monetary Unit

Accounting presumes that the purchasing power of monetary unit, say Rupee, remains the same throughout. For example, the intrinsic worth of one Rupee is same and equal in the year 1,800 and 2,000 thus ignoring the enact of rising or falling purchasing power of monetary unit due to deflation or inflation. In spite of the fact that the assumption is unreal and the practice of ignoring changes in the value of money is now being extensively questioned, collected the alternatives suggested to incorporate the changing value of money in accounting statements viz., fresh purchasing power device (CPP) and unusual cost accounting map (CCA) are in evolutionary stage. Therefore, for the time being we have to be remark with the 'stable monetary unit' notion.

(7) Cost

This thought is closely related to the going pain idea. According to this, an asset is ordinarily recorded in the books at the note at which it was acquired i.e. at its cost imprint. This 'cost' serves the basis for the accounting of this asset during the subsequent period. This' cost' should not be confused with 'value'.

It must be remembered that as the proper worth of the assets changes from time to time, it does not mean that the value of such an assets is wrongly recorded in the books. The book value of the assets as recorded do not consider their precise value. They do not signify that the values famed therein are the values for which they can be sold. Though the assets are recorded in the books at cost, in course of time, they become reduced in value on story of depreciation charges. In sure cases, only the assets like 'goodwill' when paid for will appear in the books at cost and when nothing is paid for, it will not appear even though this asset exists on name and fame created by a anxiety.

Therefore, the values attached to the assets in the balance sheet and the derive income as shown in the Profit and Loss legend cannot be said to mediate the accurate measurement of the financial situation of an undertaking, as they do not have any relation to the market value of the assets or their replacement values. This notion that the transactions should be recorded at cost rather than at a subjective or arbitrary value is known as Cost view. With the passage of time, the market value of fixed assets like land and buildings vary greatly from their cost.

These changes or variations in the value are generally ignored by the accountants and they continue to value them in the balance sheet at historical cost. The principle of valuing the fixed assets at their cost and not at market value is the underlying principle in cost notion. According to them, the unusual values alone will fairly narrate the cost to the entity.

The cost principle is based on the principle of objectivity. The supporters of this plot argue so long as the users of the financial statements have confidence in the statements, there is no necessity to change this plot.

(8) Conservatism

This notion emphasizes that profit should never be overstated or anticipated. Traditionally, accounting follows the rule "anticipate no profit and provide for all possible losses. For example, the closing stock is valued at cost heed or market stamp, whichever is lower. The enact of the above is that in case market impress has advance down then provide for the 'anticipated loss' but if the market brand has gone up then ignore the 'anticipated profits'.

Critics point out that conservation to an excess degree will result in the creation of secret reserve. This will be quite contrary to the doctrine of disclosure. However, conservatism to a reasonable degree may not near in for criticism.

Accounting Equation

Dual view may be stated as "for every debit, there is a credit." Every transaction should have two sided do to the extent of same amount. This thought has resulted in Accounting Equation which states that at any point of time the assets of any entity must be equal (in monetary terms) to the total of owner's equity and outsider's liabilities. This may be expressed in the beget of equation:

A-L = P


A stands for assets of the entity;

L stands for liabilities (outsider's claims) of the entity; and

P stands for Proprietor's claim (Capital) on the entity.

(The effect of presentation of equation A-L = P is consistent with the right interpretation of financial set. Thus it emphasizes that properly speaking the proprietary claim is the balance after providing for outsider's claims against the business from the total assets of the business) .
READ MORE - Accounting Conventions and Accounting Concepts

Benefits of Accounting Business Outsource Process

For any business, accounting is a sector that needs kindly attention and maintainability. Only a well beneficial and adept professional who has the deep knowledge of creating and handling accounts business outsource process can retract your business to the targeted heights. The experts are responsible to manage several tasks like treasury back-office services, general ledger, tracking records, tax computation data entry and the list goes on. All these jobs require titanic concentration and alert professionals to follow the trudge of constant changes and updates taking area in the market. According to a research, the field of accounting business outsource process is growing with the race of 8 percent per year. This confirms the presence of countless outsourcing firms in the market giving you a broader area of options.

The in-house employee's opinion is highly expensive when compared to the outsourcing facilities. You might have to pay extra allowances other than the salary. However the most feasible draw is to bewitch abet from outsourcing services to hold care of your complete accounting process. Not only it will be more economical, but will also offer you quality work in due time period. As the industry is expanding its horizons, the urgency of accounting business outsource process has become principal. It does not matter, if your company is selling services or products, everybody needs a proficient accounting department. The accounting business outsource process is avid to allotment your workload that is related to accounts development.

Through the fair utilization of accounting business outsource process you can assign your time and concentrate on other areas of your business. Economic catch is another spectacular reason to opt for outsourcing. The experts providing outsourcing services understand the meaning of accuracy blended with complete professionalism. Many surveys have proved that the accounting outsourcing business is flourishing at a tremendous hurry throughout the world. Companies are avidly seeking for this option as it promises to attach a lot on their revenues. You do not have to capture any sort of unusual financial investments in order to gaze profits from the outsourcing companies. The entire process of associating with these service providers is naturally easy. Internet will give you the detail knowledge about all the providers with complete information on their previous accounts and clients. All you have to do is match your requirements and then resolve on what to resolve.

Every company has to enjoy its accounting department that is efficient enough in handling every whisper related to legend. Today, the intense competition in the world of business and great development with a astronomical rush has made it totally compulsory to have the new stratagem that can fulfill your goals. And match this, the companies are widely investing in accounting business outsource process that is a surely a proper and faster plan to attain work. You can even hold an legend of quality and quantity of your work done by such service providers. Outsourcing work to firms offer you to do on your internal resources and decrease recruiting manpower and utilization of outsourcing resources you guarantee yourself a wider exploration.
READ MORE - Benefits of Accounting Business Outsource Process


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